Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Ultimate Battle

The Fight Against Yourself...

     I constantly argue against myself between showing too much confidence and showing too much vulnerability. It's difficult for me because I don't want to live my life in such a calculating way, but I don't want people to get the wrong impressions of me either. So, I will be confident so that you feel comfortable enough to be just as confident, and I will be vulnerable so that you feel like you can tell me anything you want. I love people. Tell me your stories, share your laughs, cry with me, smile with me, and most importantly- be who you are. There comes a point in your life where, if you are uncomfortable with any sort of personality trait you may have, you have to stop and realize that you are who you are. So what if I am a little too loud sometimes? So what if at times I may seem too confident? So what if the very next day I want to talk about any kind of sadness I may be experiencing? So what if I allow myself to display vulnerability. You should never be afraid of your feelings because they make up WHO YOU ARE. Make no apologies for showing your feelings to others- because whether you believe it or not, they will begin to feel comfortable enough to show who they really are as well. 



"If you are ever doing anything for anyone and expecting any particular outcome, you are running a game..."