Monday, May 12, 2014

The Pity Party

     Sometimes when you go through a negative experience in life, it is easy to become a victim. When you become the victim, you give your negative situation power over you. You give the negative situation the power to change who you are, the power to slow down your future, and the power to take away your present. Dwelling over what could have been does nothing for you. Sure, you may take time to grieve and feel sad, but eventually the pity party has to end. Someone once told me that there were many times in which she felt like she would never get out of bed over something but that after every negative experience, she has gotten right back on her feet and moved on with life. Basically, you have to know that we all have strength... We just have to learn how to use our strength. No matter what you are going through, you will be okay. Take a minute and think about what is positive in your life. Don't torture yourself by thinking about the past. Live in the moment. When you live in the moment, your future takes care of itself.
