Sunday, February 27, 2011

Some Of My Favorite Songs Right Now!

There are also a few other songs that I love right now but don't have videos yet...
  • "Hit The Lights" by Jay Sean and Lil Wayne
  • "On The Floor" by Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull
  • "E.T." by Katy Perry
  • "Gone" by Nelly and Kelly Rowland
  • "Just Can't Get Enough" by Black Eyed Peas

Check Them Out!


Friday, February 25, 2011

Reaching Your Goals

...And More   

  In today's society, not only do you have to work to get to "the top", but you have to work to maintain that spot you earned. But first, what is "the top" exactly? How do you know when you reach success? What does all of this mean?
     It all starts with goals. You should be constantly creating goals for yourself to reach as you go through life that way you are always working hard and you will never get bored. Think big. Don't just reach for what you know you can do, reach for what you haven't been able to do even in your wildest dreams.
     Once you accomplish these goals, it is not enough to stop. Unless you're Oprah. Keep going and push yourself even further. Speaking of Oprah, she has stated something in one of her interviews before and it has stuck in my mind ever since. She said that when she prays, she says "God, use me until you can't use me up anymore". To me this means that you should never stop working hard. Get where you want to go and then keep going.
     People think I'm crazy sometimes because I want to do so many things in my life. At times my ideas can seem like such a mess but then I pull that thought that I have mentally glued to the top of my mind that says nothing is impossible and I will be able to reach any goal I set if I always continue to work for it. Then I feel better.
     In life, always try to prove yourself, not for others, for you.
When you think you have reached your goals, push further.
You can go far, I know it ;)

Thanks for reading,

Stay hard-working,


New York Fashion Week 2011

After doing lots of research on the shows of this year's legendary New York Fashion Week, I have compiled a list of some of my favorite looks from some of my favorite designers. Dang, I can't wait until the day that I will actually be in New York for fashion week...

These looks are from the Fall 2011 Carmen Marc Valvo Collection... In my opinion, Carmen Marc Valvo is one of the BIGGEST designers right now and he is one of my favorites:

Marc by Marc Jacobs Fall 2011 (Also one of my favorite designers of all time):

Oscar De La Renta Fall 2011:

And Finally, the classic Burberry:

Those are only some of my top looks of this season!
I hope you like them!


Monday, February 21, 2011

"Balancing The Equation"

How To Do Well In School While Having A Life

Keeping up with school work can be complicated and frustrating sometimes, especially if you are in high school.
There are so many things going on like after school activites, sports, clubs, and even making time for your friends.
So how do you balance it all?
There is no quick and easy answer, you just have to take steps to get your school and social life together.
     You should have a routine every single day that you follow. If you have to stay after school for anything, then let that be your social time with friends as well as your time to get done what ever you need to get done, especially on a day when you have homework. When you get home, do your homework before anything else! When you get it done early, you will feel so much better than if you were to wait until it's dark when all the tv shows come on haha... At least that's how I feel!
     Another thing you can do is make a list of everything you need to do that day as you find out what needs to be done. Don't wait until after school to make a list because you might not remember everything. Add it into your daily routine to check the list as soon as you get home, or through out the day depending on what you need to get done.
     Don't ever neglect your homework! Always do it every single night. It will make school so much easier. Not only will your grades go up, but you will actually start to understand everything and hopefully do well on tests! If you feel like you are giving up your social life for homework, think about it- you still have the whole weekend to chill and hang out with friends!
     My #1 tip to balancing school and a social life is to study with friends! If you do this you can have fun while you learn (I know, it's a crazy idea to have fun while you learn LOL). You will be taking care of your school work which is super important, as well as your social life, which I think is also important.
Get it together, because education and social skills are two key "secrets" to becoming successful.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

How To Become A Naturally Happy Person

6 Simple Steps to Becoming a Happier Person In Your Everyday Life:

  1. Listen to music when you get ready for school/work every morning! Jam out to whatever makes you happy; hip-hop, dance/house, pop, rock, slow jams, anything that will get your day started on a positive note. Hey, if you have the energy, you might even want to dance your way around the house as you prepare for the day!

  2. Dress for success! Wear something that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Whether it be bright colors, jeans and a t-shirt, awesome shoes, or just your favorite color- wear an outfit that will bring out your best attitude.

  3. Give out compliments. Try to find the best in people. It can be something physical like "Oh I love how you did your hair today!" or it can be personal like "Wow that was really nice of you to..." or "Aw I love your laugh!". Trust me, if you try to give out at least 7 compliments every day, you will start to feel really good about yourself.

  4. Interact with people. Even if it's just a simple "Hey!" when you see your friends in the hallway, it will make you feel very sociable and make you seem like an approachable person.

  5. Take lots of pictures. Anywhere, anytime! By yourself or with your friends! It can be fun when you and your friends are taking pictures and you have to keep retrying because you accidently cut yourself out of it, and it can also make you happy when you finally get a perfect one. The picture of me below was taken during science class (which I don't recommend you do all the time), but hey- taking pictures makes me happy... Especially during science class...

6. Smile! Nothing says happy like a smile does. If you can smile and laugh all through out the day, your happy level will with out a doubt shoot way high!

Those are just a few of my steps to becoming a naturally happy person! Just remember these and you will for sure start to feel great, even on a bad day!
Thanks for reading,

Stay Happy,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How to just say 'No'

There are so many crazy "temptations" in life, especially for teenagers, but not all of these "temptations" are good. Often times, teens get sucked into a terrible life of drugs, alcohol and sex. It can be so easy for people my age to fall into this, but I imagine it is even harder to get out of it once you are in.
The simplest solution to this is to just say...
Please don't give into peer pressure when it comes to doing negative things. It's so wrong... If you have friends that even try to get you to do these things, then they are not really you're friends. Drugs, alcohol, and sex are extremely dangerous things both physically and emotionally especially for teens. Don't make a decision that could potentially ruin your plans for life. Learn to say 'No'. If the people trying to influence you to do bad stuff don't take 'no' for an answer, it's time to ditch them and find new friends. Surround yourself with people who have your best interest at heart. Please don't let them slip up either, it could save someone's life.
DO NOT be a statistic.
