Thursday, May 3, 2012

Life Can Be...

     Life can be confusing. Life can be unfair. Life can put you in a bad mood. Life can put you in a sad mood. Life can tear you down. Life can be difficult, but you should not let your situations bring you down. There are about a billion things every day in life that you do not want to deal with, but you have to... And there may not seem like anything good about that, but there is: you are not alone. 
     No matter what anybody says, everyone deals with negativity at one point or another in his or her life, and guess what? We all get through it. Life goes on no matter what, so you should not let one small situation break you down. When something negative happens to you, try thinking of it this way: In the big idea of life, how much will this issue affect you? Odds are, the answer to that question will be: it won't affect me, and odds are you won't even remember the issue in years to come. If you think this way, your stress can be reduced by an incredibly large amount. Just don't sweat the small stuff.
     Something I am guilty of is being way too hard on myself. I often over-think things and end up taking the blame for everything that goes wrong. Well, you just can't do that if you want to be happy. Take responsibility for your part, but do not hold yourself accountable for the things you cannot control. Thinking positively is the only way you can lead yourself to a more positive life. Enjoy the moments of your life, because they only occur once. Do not focus on the bad or on what you cannot control. Yes, life can be confusing and unfair, it can put you in bad and sad moods, it can tear you down, and it can be difficult, but... Life can be simple. Life can be fair. Life can put you in a cheerful mood. Life can put you in a silly mood. Life can build you up. Life can be fun... You just have to allow life to be all of these things, because you are in control of your own positivity. 


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