Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's Contagious


     "Positive Energy" has been a major theme in my life recently, and spreading it has been an even bigger objective that I have chosen to challenge myself with. However, when it really comes down to it, spreading positive energy isn't all that challenging. All one has to do is maintain a positive attitude about everything, and others will start to do the same. If one begins to portray negative thoughts and feelings towards a situation, others will eventually catch those same vibes and the energy will continue to feed off onto others. Remember that next time you are faced with a tough situation, no matter what it is. School, work, sports, clubs, friends, family, drama, essays, books- do not stress about a thing. You will be 10 times more likely to be successful if you stay confident and stress-free, and when that energy feeds onto others, the results will be magical. 

Energy is contagious, so let's make it positive,

-B ;)

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