Friday, December 21, 2012

You Can Only Do So Much

You Are Not Responsible for Taking Care of Anyone but Yourself
     As a good friend, I always try to help the people I love as much as I can. You should too, but how do you know when to stop? You can only help someone so much, especially when they, themselves, do not want to be helped.
     We all have those friends that we know needs extra attention when it comes to making the right decisions in life. It is natural to want to help them out, but sometimes helping someone else so much can become inconvenient for yourself. In high school, friends often drift apart and go down different paths. It is best that you know that. With that being said, understand that if your friend makes wrong decisions, it is not your responsibility to take care of them. That can be a hard lesson to learn, but sometimes you have to put yourself, your future, and your life in front of others. 
     For example, drugs can seriously take over one's life. I had a friend that I tried to help out as much as I could. We always talked about college, jobs, and just about living life the way it should be lived. I really did a lot for this person, but something took him over and made him not care: drugs and alcohol. We had many fun times and great talks, but over time, he lost interest in being my friend because I did not do drugs or drink. He started to cling to those who got him what he felt he needed, and I was no longer one of those people. This took a toll on me because I hated to see my friend go down this path. I had made many attempts to make him come to his senses, but none of them worked. Eventually, I realized something. I am not my friend's parent. Why should my friend's lack of responsibility and lack of self worth hit me so hard? I am not responsible for my friend's mistakes. I had to let it go.
     Remember, it is always in your best interest to have someone else's best interests in your mind. There is nothing wrong with helping the people you love to stay on the right path. But when there is nothing left you can do to help your friend out, move on. If your friend does not want to help their self, you can not risk your own worth and potential for the sake of saving their's. You have to make sure you stay on the correct path for your own life. If someone does not want to tag along, then it is best you leave them behind. I'm not saying that you should give up on your friend if they start to drift away, I'm just saying that there comes a point when you are helping out with something that is a lost cause. There is no point in putting energy into someone or something that will never change when you could be pushing that energy out into helping others who deserve it (sometimes yourself). Do the right thing. When you really think about it, deep down, you always do know what the right decisions are- so be smart and do for you.


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