Sunday, August 25, 2013

Goodbye Summer 2013

     Summer 2013 was quite different for me than last summer...
     Last summer, I spent every single night with a large group of my closest friends. We always were at each other's houses, going out to dinners, and just getting together having great times. Now that summertime came and I was not going back to high school within a couple of months, things changed. For one reason or another, I fell away from some of my friends. This, from what I always hear, is totally normal after high school. So, I have learned to just accept it.
     This summer, my priorities in life have definitely changed. Life IS about having fun, but I realized that it is more about doing well for yourself. Of course, I had so much fun with my (much smaller group of) close friends that I adore but I also put a lot of time into work and my job. I tried to focus on putting time into work because I knew that it would make me stronger for my future and it actually became fun to me. I began to love the stores that I work at and the people that I work with. To me, work has become a sort of task that I have been able to fit into a place in my life that makes me feel a little bit more complete. Don't get me wrong, despite working a lot, I did have plenty of time for a social life and had the opportunity to create some really great memories. This summer sure had its ups and downs and despite its odd-feeling display of mutual maturity amongst the people in my life and myself, it has brought me into a new world. Of course, that is a difficult concept for some people to grasp, once you experience life and you get to connecting the dots- you start to understand more about the person who you are becoming.
School starts tomorrow, and I wish nothing but the best for everyone!
Life is a fashion show.
Life is an art show.
Life is fast-paced.
Life is not a rehearsal.
Live, and do what's best for you.


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