Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Noise

     Having had an open-book personality, when I go through something stressful or difficult for me to figure out, I tend to tell many people about whatever is going on so that I can gain different views and opinions on the matter. Often times though (now that I look back), my extroverted process of going through hard times led to even more blurriness in my own mind. When you become too much of an open-book, too many people allow themselves to voice their opinions on what you need to do for yourself. The extra noise only makes things more complicated. You begin to forget about how you really feel and you take into consideration everybody else's thoughts. The noise becomes too noisy and you begin to not even hear yourself. The noise may not always lead you to forget your own thoughts, but it may shape your own opinion of yourself. Not that judgement is always necessarily a bad thing, but when you open up your world to other people for their thoughts and opinions, you also open up your world for judgement (which is only natural for humans). Sometimes when the noise tries to help you, it is coming from a place of goodness, but, often times it does also come from a place of judgement (again, not that there is anything wrong with that- you opened yourself up to it in the first place). Some things just need to stay to yourself, or at most to one or two other people. Keeping a smaller circle may enhance your own clarity of thought because you avoid the noise. Take time each day to be alone with your thoughts and at one with your energy. Do not be harsh or overly critical of yourself, and do not take into consideration what others will think of you. At the end of the day, nobody is living your life but you, so make decisions that you know are good for you. Trust those who you know have your best interest, avoid the noise of too many people, and live life in a way that will make you happy. 


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