Friday, July 9, 2010

"I Hate My...!"

   Insecurities. Most of us have them. But it's not always a good thing. Sometimes we let these so called "flaws" take over our lives and make us not very confident at times. Part of the message that I want to give to people is to not see flaws as "flaws", but to see them in a new way. A way that makes everyone unique. Whether your "flaw" be your height, your weight, your big forehead, your small forehead, your big hips, your big lips, your small lips, the size of your eyes, the size of your butt- you need to see it in a positive way.
  Rather than trying to play it down and cover it, EMBRACE it. Show everyone that you are just like them, instead of trying to show them you're not. Many people have this image in their mind of an ideal person who has a normal size forehead, light eyes, light skin, straight hair, perfect size lips, or whatever. One of my huge goals in life is to completely erase this image. There is no "perfect" body or person. So don't try to convince people you are. When you do this, it makes them think "Dang, why can't I look like that?!", and some may go to extreme lengths to try and achieve this look. Extreme lengths that are negative and unhealthy mentally and physically such as anorexia or bleaching skin.
  The reason I wanted to write about insecurities is because it is such a big issue in today's society. Just because you don't look a certain way does not make you any less of a person than that "ideal person". I am so glad that women AND men can go to the store and see people of all shapes, colors and sizes on the covers of magazines. I believe this shows people that you can do whatever you want in life regardless of how you look.
   I don't believe in the word "ugly" unless you are referring to someones personality. Everyone should start to think this way because it is not fair to call out someones flaws as if it is a negative thing. When people have a "flaw" it makes them different and uniquely beautiful. Dark skin is beautiful. Light skin is beautiful. Skinny (healthily) is beautiful. Big (healthily) is beautiful. Tall is beautiful. Short is beautiful. Eyes far apart are beautiful. Small noses are beautiful. Big noses are beautiful. So many other things are beautiful. Even though we have come so far, society still has a lot of changing to do, and I hope this post will be one step to that change. I hope that when you finish reading this, it inspires you to spread the message, I hope it changes the way you see people.
This issue will be resolved. I can not say it enough, so I will say it one more time. "Flaws" are not negative, they make everyone uniquely beautiful. One day I hope that all people can be comfortable in their own skin and not strive to look like somebody else. Scratch that- One day people WILL feel comfortable in their own skin, and they will not be insecure. 

Thank you so so so much for reading this, it truly means a lot to me to get this message out. Feel free to leave comments telling what you are insecure about to show everyone that we are all in this together and that we all aren't perfect, and I hope that you start to look at the world and its people differently. ;-)



  1. awh Brandon this opne is great(: its very true everyone needs to be happy with the body God gives them because everyone is beautiful in their own ways(: <3Hannah

  2. Aww brandonn!
    Honestly I kinda feel better about myself, I feel I shouldn't care wat anybody thinks anymore :]
    Ur my new role model/inspiration :]
    -Melissa :D

  3. i love it,
    -danielle f.

  4. i love it! you are so right! =] after reading this it made me realize i livve for me and nobody eles and i shouldnt care about what others think about me (:
    thanks Brandon:)

    love danielle pulido!(:

  5. excellent message. enjoyed it very much and will put it to work. keep it up, you have so much to offer....

    Love Dad

  6. Brandon, mil felicidades por tu pagina! En particular por este tema, de verdad que tu labor es hermosa, hacer llegar este tipo de mensajes a muchas personas es algo para aplaudirte y de lo cual debes sentirte muy muy orgulloso! FELICIDADEs!!!
