Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Break 2011!

I know as teens we hear it almost on a daily basis. "Be safe" "Be careful" "Don't..." "Call me if..." "Make good decisions" and sometimes it can get annoying, but many of us fail to realize that when people say these things to us it is done with the most loving and caring intentions.
This week is Spring Break in Houston and I'm sure all around the US Spring Break is going to happen soon if not now. This is a time that is notorious for young people getting crazy, drunk and wild. As I have said before, I know peer pressure can be hard to not give into sometimes, but all I ask of you is to be smart and safe. Obviously if I had it my way, I would prefer for nobody to drink or do drugs at all, but realistically that is just not going to happen. I can sit here and beg you all not to do anything bad but most likely, some of you will anyway. Please be smart. Don't drink, don't do drugs, don't do anything stupid, because not only are you affecting your own life, but you are affecting your friends and families lives too.
Also, if you are doing these bad things, do not get behind the wheel and do not let your friends get behind the wheel. Call your parents if you need to. I'm sure they will be mad, but it's a matter of life and death. I can guarantee you they would much rather you call them than have you die because you were too scared to. Don't put you and other lives in danger. It is just not worth it. A week of "fun" can turn into a life of pain that you can never take back.
As you finish reading this I hope that some of your minds have been changed and I hope you all will make the right decisions. All I want to say is: Be safe. Be careful. Don't do anything dangerous or dumb. Call your parents or the police if you have to. Make good decisions.

Thanks for reading,

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