Wednesday, January 4, 2012

High School Relationships

Why do teens need them so badly?

     Why do so many teenagers want a relationship? So many of us crave that perfect bond between ourselves and that one other person that can never be broken, but so many of us also fail to realize that we are still so young and have our whole lives ahead of us for that.
     In our society today, dating and being in relationships is "normal", so in order for some people to feel normal, accepted, or even popular, one must constantly have to be dating. I want to make it clear that when I say this, I don't mean that people literally think "Oh my gosh, I have to fit in so I'm just going to date someone!". This is something that people think with out even knowing it (as crazy as that sounds). As humans, we naturally think subconsciously which causes us to act certain ways and do certain things. There is nothing wrong with this- we just can't control it sometimes. Dating is almost like a trend that will never go away. Denim jeans: never has to be said that they are in style because they always are, everyone wears them, people wear them different ways, everyone likes a different style of them and approaches them differently. That is my comparison.
     Another reason teenagers feel the need to be in relationships all the time is because at our age, we think we know everything. Combine that fact with hormones and mood-swings (which are inevitable parts of growing up) and you get a teen who feels like they are going to find love that will last for the rest of their lives at a young age and no one can tell them any different. It isn't entirely bad for a teen to feel this way, but it just isn't realistic and from what I hear, you realize that when you get older. Don't blame yourself for thinking this way either, television and movies are constantly showing examples of teens who fall in love in high school and end up marrying that person and being with them for the rest of their lives. Yes those stories are cute and heartwarming, but how often does that happen in real life? Only on very rare occasions.
     Why can't some people depend on their friends if they are lonely? Well, not only are relationships with friends different than relationship-relationships, but most likely their friends are dating too! Teens tend to be a tad bit over-emotional, so when they don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend, they feel sad and lonely. This could be caused from a breakup but it isn't necessarily. When you are single and your friends are not, it gets hard because nobody wants to be that single friend. Everybody can go on group dates and stuff and then there you are, alone, being the 3rd or even 5th wheel. Trust me, I get it, but don't focus on being lonely. Focus on having fun with your friends and being a flirt with others you are possible attracted to!
     Hi, I'm a teen too, I understand. When you are in a relationship, you always have someone to text, call, hang out with, and walk in the halls at school with, and when you are single it can get pretty lonely. My advice to you is to not think about dating and how lonely you are. Throw yourself into your school work and other creative projects. Use all of your energy you put to feeling sad and lonely for something positive instead. If you are single in high school, it is not the end of the world. Have fun. Don't feel like you have to find your soul mate right now and try not to be so eager to grow up. You only spend about 7 years of your life being a teenager, think of how many years outside of that you have to be able to find someone to share your life with. Please, do not ever feel like you need to depend on someone else for your own happiness. The day will come when you meet someone amazing, but you can't force something like that. Love isn't hard, so don't work for it.


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