Thursday, June 7, 2012

When Considering Someone To Date...

Do Looks Matter?
     The deep and profound answer to that question would be no, however if looks do matter to you, that doesn't mean you are superficial. When you are looking for someone to date, the first thing you notice is what someone looks like right? If you are going to be in a relationship with someone, you must be attracted to them. If you think that sounds superficial, then read further, because there is an explanation for that statement. Everyone is attracted to different types of people and looks. So what is beautiful to one person, might seem ugly to another. Just as what is ugly to another person, might seem drop dead gorgeous to another. That doesn't leave anybody out. 
     Now, a new question is should looks matter? Well, I can't and won't give a definite answer of yes or no, because I'm not even sure of that answer myself. However, I do think that if you are looking to date someone, you should at least give them a chance, even if you aren't 100% attracted to that person. Once you get to know someone's personality, you might end up becoming more attracted to that person because of who they are on the inside. I definitely don't think that you should rule someone completely out just because you don't like the way they look.

Thanks for reading,


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