Tuesday, July 17, 2012

There Is No Other Option

     Every day I see, hear, and interact with many different people. Whether I am at work, with friends, or even on the Internet, I care about being in contact with others. Something I notice is that everyone has their own story, and everyone wants their story to be heard. We all go through difficult times, and no pain is greater than the other. Some may be going through a break-up, going through a friendship break-up, losing a loved one, dealing with family problems, or any other type of drama, and I am always here for anyone who needs advice. One piece of advice I always give to every single person, no matter what the situation is, is this: You're situation will work out and everything will be fine in the end, because there is no other option. What I mean by that is you don't have a choice but to deal with things so that you can get to a place of happiness, so don't waste time being depressed over something because you just have to understand that one day you will be okay. You won't be sad every day for the rest of your life. Live in the moment, but think of the big picture. Is whatever is bothering you in the moment going to be a big deal to you in 25 years? Most likely, it won't. So enjoy life. Go out with your friends, spend time with your family, love everyone, be crazy, make jokes, laugh, party, be wild, and encourage others to do the same. Life goes on, and so will you. 

Stay Positive, 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Always Count Your Blessings

Ten Things That Make Me Happy

10. Starbucks
Starbucks is incredibly relaxing to me. I go there at least more than three times a week with my friends and I always get a Venti Caramel-Mocha Frappuccino with Extra Caramel Drizzle!
9. My Hair!
This sounds kind of silly, but my hair is me. I always love changing it up and messing with it and doing new things with it. I think over the past year, I have had about 7 different hair styles LOL.
My favorite hair product that I use every single day is Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shaping Cream. Also, thanks to my mom, she is the only one I usually let cut my hair!
8. My Louis Vuitton Wallet
Not only is Louis Vuitton one of my favorite brands in the world, but my wallet holds a great amount of sentimental value to me. In sixth grade, I went to New York City and bought my Louis Vuitton wallet with my own money at the store on 5th Avenue! Many people judged me for that, saying I had no business buying LV so young. To them, I have to say that I still have it, use it every day, and it is still in perfect condition!
7. Houston
I live right outside of Houston, and when ever I go into Downtown, I always have the best time. I love being in the city! There is no other place like Houston!
6. Bentley!
Bentley is my dog that I bought with my own money when I was in 8th grade. I wanted a dog so bad and for the longest time my parents' answer was "No!"... Of course, I talked them into it though. 
5. Music
I don't know how life would be if music didn't exist. I love to listen to anything that sounds good, but my favorite songs always have an amazing beat with emotional vocals and lyrics. 
4. Work
I am obsessed with work. I hate being bored and having nothing to do. I used to work as a model and a model scout, but my most recent jobs include working at Abercrombie Kids and Hollister. I love my job at Hollister and work is so much fun to me!
3. Dreaming
I don't necessarily mean dreaming when I sleep. I mean dreaming about the future. I do this almost daily, and I think it is one of the healthiest things one can do. It keeps one working towards a goal in their future. My ultimate dream is to write best selling books that help people, while owning my own magazine company and living in a penthouse in New York City.
2. Writing
Writing is one of the few things that has the ability to get me through anything whether I am writing fiction or blogs. When I write fiction, I am able to escape real life for a minute and kind of live through characters in a different life. When I write on my blog, my goal is to help other people with problems in their lives and make them feel better. So to know that I am possibly doing that, I feel good. Writing is my passion. 

1. The #1 thing that makes me happy in life is spending time with my friends. 
My friends are EVERYTHING to me. We always have the best time when we all get together and hang out. I can tell them anything, we never hold anything back from each other. We always laugh non-stop too. My friends are just the best. 

Go make a list of what makes you happy in life! This will help you to think more positively about life and you will be able to push away all of the negativity because you will realize how great life is.

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

High School Dating

Is finding a relationship really what is most important right now?
     We hear those movie-like stories all the time about how couples have been married for years and years after meeting in high school, but are those types of stories caused by searches or just by chance and luck?
In high school, we have so many things to worry about: friends, grades, clubs, sports, jobs, college, etc. So with all of those important activities to tackle, do we really need to be focused on trying to find someone to spend the rest of our lives with? No. Odds are, the person you date in high school will not be the person you end up marrying when you are older. So why waste your time looking for what you most likely will not find when you should be concentrating on setting up your life and future. 
     This is just high school. Relationships are not the most important things. Teens need to start prioritizing grades to get into a good college. After school, the next priority should be having fun with friends. Having fun is the best part of high school and most couples don't know how to balance friends with relationships so they end up wasting those years focusing on one person. 
     For those of you who are in high school and in healthy relationships, I'm not saying that is bad. But you should definitely be aware that balance is the key to success. Don't get so heavily involved with someone that you start to lose your sense of logic. Always follow your heart, but always use your brain also. 

What Is A Best Friend?

A best friend is a friend that you share almost everything with. You tell them almost everything about your life and they accept you for what is good and bad about you. You can always laugh, cry, and get into deep conversations with them. A best friend is someone who always sees your side in a situation, but also tells you what you need to hear. A best friend always has your back no matter what. A best friend should mean the world to you. My best friends do. 
Acknowledge those you support you and see the best in you.
Tell them how much you appreciate them and how much you value their friendship. 


Channel Orange

The New Album from Frank Ocean

Yesterday, Frank Ocean's debut album was released on iTunes (which was a week earlier than the expected release date). Within the passed few weeks there has been a lot of talk about Frank Ocean because he casually came out as a gay man on his blog. For the hip-hop industry, something like this is a major step. There has not been much negative criticism about Ocean for coming out, his peers actually have been openly supporting him. This is what life is about- supporting and encouraging others to be their selves. 
I have listened to Channel Orange a few times since I bought it last night, and this album is simply genius. Frank Ocean can seriously write and sing. Every song on this album has an amazing beat with incredible and emotional lyrics and vocals. That is what makes a good song to me. Some of my favorites are "Thinkin Bout You", "Pilot Jones", "Pyramids", "Lost", and "Forrest Gump".
I really recommend you go buy this album ASAP! You will not regret listening to this musical genius and learning from a positive and sentimental person.

Here is the complete track listing for Channel Orange:
  1. Start
  2. Thinkin Bout You
  3. Fertilizer
  4. Sierra Leone
  5. Sweet Life
  6. Not Just Money
  7. Super Rich Kids (feat. Earl Sweatshirt)
  8. Pilot Jones
  9. Crack Rock
  10. Pyramids
  11. Lost
  12. White (feat. John Mayer)
  13. Monks
  14. Bad Religion
  15. Pink Matter (feat. Andre 3000)
  16. Forrest Gump
  17. End

Go listen!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Quote Time!

     Okay, I have no idea where this quote came from, but I had it written down on my computer and I absolutley love it and live by it!
"I actively seek out the company of people who inspire me, and willingly shed those who hold me back... I know I must commit to something greater than satisfying the needs of a few people... My greatest reward is to live with integrity."
Thanks to whoever said this! Ha!
