Sunday, October 21, 2012

Moving Forward

Leave the Past in the Past     

     As you go through life, there will be people and situations you have to leave in the past. Of course, some things will be easier to leave behind than others, but we leave these things in the past for a reason. They aren't supposed to make it into our future. 
     We experience people and situations for a variety of different reasons. We don't know all of these reasons for sure, but we do learn from the experience. If you can't figure out why some things happen to you, just know that they were meant to happen and that you will be okay. Like I always say, there is no other option but to be okay. Whether you lose someone to death, you go through a break-up, you stop being friends with someone, you have to be okay. The future holds so many opportunities for you and you have to be confident enough to know that you will do good for yourself. The true accomplishments in your life don't happen because of others, they happen because of yourself. 
     It can be extremely difficult to not look back at the past, that's why it is okay to glance back every now and then. It's actually important to "glance" because then you will continue to learn from your past and its mistakes. However, you can't "stare" back into the past because it can easily make you depressed and cause you to lose motivation. If anything, the past should motivate you to do good for yourself in the future. You can't go back and change anything, so use your experiences to make changes for your future. Don't rehash, there is no point. 
     If you continue to look forward, I promise you will be happier. You will be happy focusing on positive aspects of your life. You will be happy appreciating the everyday moments. You will appreciate the hope you have for a brighter future. You will appreciate a brighter future. 
Don't you dare kick into reverse. Glance in your rear-view mirror every so often, but you better make sure you keep a steady press on the gas and keep your eyes on the road to get where you are going. 


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