Saturday, October 20, 2012

Take Some Time for You

     How do you know who you are?
     How do you know what you really feel? How do you know what your own true opinions are? How do you know who you are? It is so easy to become influenced by others about many things. A lot of times, you base your opinions about topics based on what others think because it is easy. It is easier to feel how others feel about situations because it avoids conflict. This is understandable to a certain degree, but what about when that feeling gets lost in the person that you truly are? It can become so easy to lose yourself in the way others think and feel. How can you really find yourself?
     It's easy to say that you know who you are, but the truth is there are many people who don't know who they are and don't even realize that. It's important to take time for yourself to gather your own personal thoughts and feelings. When you get lost in the way your friends or peers think, you lose your own identity and sense of self worth. You become dependent on others which can be harmful to society because you won't be able to think about situations logically. Life becomes a popularity contest, when in reality everything should come down to wrong and right. There is nothing wrong with going into a small "hibernation" with yourself every once in a while so that you can become mentally stable. In fact, I recommend everyone do this. Also,check yourself at the end of every day. Take a look from the outside and ask, "Do I like the person I was today?" If the answer is yes, then think about how you can build onto who you were that day. If the answer is no, think about (and even write down) what you didn't like about yourself that day and brainstorm about how you can fix those things. Don't forget that there is always room for improvement. When you think you are at your best, think about ways you can make yourself even better. Once you get into the mindset of really practicing to be the person you know you are, things will start to look brighter for you. Learn who you are by taking time to get to know yourself, and once you begin to see who you are, project that into society and I guarantee you will gain nothing but positivity and support in return.


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