Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 25th, 2013

     The past 18 years of my life have taught me so much more than I ever could have imagined. Ever since I was little, I could not wait to be 18. I wasn't sure why, I guess I just thought it would be cool. However, now that I am older, I am able to look at my 18th birthday as a symbol of growth, a mark of success, and a time in which it is appropriate to look back on life and reflect. Every year of my life has taught me certain lessons, and usually each year teaches me something different about each lesson I learn. My 18th birthday is no exception. Even since my 17th birthday, I have grown so much. I am such a different person than I thought I would be right now, and for that I am so thankful. I owe it to the people that have been a part of my life during the past 18 years. You guys are EVERYTHING to me! If it weren't for others, I would have nothing. I dedicate my life to making others feel good, because that is what makes me feel good. Nothing means more to me in this world than love, and being able to share that with incredible people is such an honor and it gives me insane amounts of indescribable feelings... I have realized that life is truly beautiful. Life is such an amazing gift and I am so blessed to be the person that I am. 
18 means I am no longer a child. 18 means a new beginning (yet a continuation). 18 means empowerment. 18 means encouragement. 18 means love. 18 means happiness. 18 means hope. 18 means inspiration. 18 means art. 18 means fashion. 18 means compassion. 18 means passion. 18 means support. 18 means letting loose. 18 means remaining under control. 18 means taking control. 18 means fearlessness. 18 means I get to really learn who I am and who I want to be now. 18 means it's never too late to get right...
Thank you so much to everyone who has made an impact on my life during the past 18 years. You all mean the world to me! I could not ask for a better feeling than what I feel in this moment.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Life Is A Progressive Story

You Are The Author
     Leaving the past in the past can be hard to do, especially when dealing with situations that make you feel sad or angry, but you know it's best to move on, you just have to figure out how. There is no easy answer or quick fix to moving forward from difficult situations- it's all about being strong and remaining the author of your own story.
     When you read a book, no two pages are the same, correct? Life should be this same way. You shouldn't repeat your actions if they get you no where. Repeating the same actions produces the same results. If you want to move forward to happiness, you must make a change. In books, stories progress, so allow your life to do the same. There are chapters of life. Characters come in and out of your story, there are boring parts and there are insanely dramatic parts- that is life. At the end of the story, typically, conflicts are resolved and people end up okay. That is exactly how life works. I always say that there is no other option but for you to be okay. 
     I stated in my last blog that in order to move forward from negative situations, you must review, reflect, and recalculate. So, just like when you read a book: you may have to flip back a few pages to review what happened, then you reflect on what happened to see how those instances will impact the coming pages of the book, then you recalculate your mind to be in the moment of the current storyline of the book. 
     You are the author of your own book, so make your story worth reading... 


Monday, January 7, 2013

Be Happy

You Are In Control     
     You know when you are not happy with life. You feel down, upset, or angry. You cry, you contemplate, you over think. How do you get over it? Do you even want to get over it? 
     Do not dwell on negativity. You will never be content with life if you always ask yourself "What if...?" The main priority in your life should be finding happiness. It is okay to be selfish if it means preventing yourself from being sad. When you are struck with situations that make you sad, you should only do three things: 

  1. Review. Take a look at the situation and figure out exactly what happened or what is going on.
  2. Reflect. Think about what you are personally taking away from the situation. What did you learn? If you have to, write down what you learned.
  3. Recalculate. Take what you learned, and run with it. Change the way you do things by using what you have learned to move forward in your own life.
     Do not ever allow anyone else to control your happiness. True happiness is purely controlled by your own self. You have the power to make things great for yourself, so do that. If you base your happiness upon the actions of others, you will be left with nothing at the end of the day. Do what makes you happy. For me, writing makes me happy. Helping others makes me happy. Leading others to success makes me happy. Music makes me happy. Fashion makes me happy. Happiness can come in small places, so don't think that you have to go out and save the world to be happy. Please yourself. Have fun, and be happy. People often say, "Oh, well that's way easier said than done", but it is NOT. It's not easier said that done because YOU are in control. Take over your life and do what makes you happy. Let go of your past, live in the moment, and enjoy life. 
