Monday, November 4, 2013

A Lesson Learned

Learning How to Learn

     In the past, I have had a bad habit of disliking those who are like me or those who have qualities I wish I had. During the past few months, I have really been trying to work on that. I have tried to channel my energy into positive reactions rather than the negative. That starts with perception. What was wrong with how I was perceiving these people? I let my subconscious jealousy get in the way of my conscious view. So, I stepped back and realized something; I needed to cling to these people and embrace them, rather than run away from them and try to compete with them. Now, I see that there is nothing wrong with someone who is like me or better than me in certain areas of life. How could they possibly be doing something wrong if they aren't doing anything wrong? Does that make sense? I have been the one creating that negativity in my own mind, not these people. I have really taught myself to admire these people, rather than resent them. Of course, one always wants to surround themselves with good people, so situations like this should be no different. Good people are good people, and that's just that. I admire people who are like me and people who have qualities I wish I had and I use that to make myself a better person. Not only do I get to surround myself with amazing people, but I also get to stay motivated to be an amazing person myself. This may be totally confusing, I am writing this late at night- but I felt it was important enough to share with everyone because changing this negative trait of mine into a positive one has really allowed myself to be quite happier every day. Hopefully if you have a problem like this, you can teach yourself how to turn the negative into the positive and be an overall happier person as well. 


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