Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Focus February II

Positive Thoughts

     One way to improve your life every day is to focus on having positive thoughts. Whether you are at work, school, or dealing with family or friends, you must always focus on seeing the glass half full instead of half empty. When you constantly think about negative things that are happening or negative things that could happen, you are blocking yourself from moving forward and creating positive experiences in your life. 
     Every time you find yourself thinking a negative thought, replace that thought with two positive ones. Look at a negative situation, and find the positives. Even if you are at your lowest, what do you have? You have life. You are breathing. You are here. There is ALWAYS a positive, whether you feel it or not just depends on where you focus. If you have to, write it down! That way, when you start to become more of a pessimist, you actually have a visual to show you the up-side. Focus on going forward in your life and doing whatever it takes to do well for yourself and for others. When you focus on the positive, you become a happier person every day- there is no other way to put it.


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