Thursday, February 6, 2014

"Focus February"

     The month of February will be a time to learn how to train your mind to be able to focus on the important things in life. I want to take these next 22 days to share my thoughts on what us as people should be concentrating on in our lives in order to achieve and maintain happiness. I know my posts have always been super long, but I promise I will try to keep them shorter and to the point. I really want every reader to grasp these concepts so that we can all grow and live positively...
     In February, I will be writing about focusing on how to be a better you, how to channel your own positive energy, what we should be thinking about in our day to day lives, and also I would like to share some uplifting and encouraging stories of mine as well as some of my friends. 

     Today, for Focus February I, I want to talk about focusing on being courageous in your life. Not for others, but for yourself. So many of us hide who we truly are for infinite amounts of reasons. I, thankfully, with the acceptance of my friends and family, do not have to do that anymore. It's something that I often do not talk about because it can be an uncomfortable topic, but one thing that I have learned through experience is that if something personal makes you uncomfortable to talk about, it probably is something that needs to be dealt with. Anyway, in my junior high and early high school years, I always hid who I truly was. Sure, I knew that the people who mattered to me would accept me, but I just did not feel comfortable having the rest of the world judge me. Long story short, I one day no longer had the choice but to let go of that fear and in a way, it was something that I just grew out of. Of course I still deal with hiding who I truly am sometimes, but I am so lucky to have people close to me that accept me. Now, had I not had that support, the story would be different. It would probably still be difficult for me to show the world who I am, because if I didn't have the support of my friends and family, I would definitely not be okay with complete strangers judging me as well- so of course I would hide who I am! The ultimate question is: How does one find the courage to live the life one was destined to live? Honestly, there is no straight answer. We all have to work through this issue in our own ways. I would say, though, that you are who you are. Nothing will ever change your soul and its characteristics. So one day, the people that do not accept you (no matter how close they are to you), will have no other option but to accept you. You have to be who you are in life, not who you want to portray yourself as. You must think, when you are 99 in that bed, do you want to look back on your life and think, Wow what a waste...? Or do you want to look back feeling so fulfilled with the dream you turned into life. I know that this saying is such a cliche, but there really is almost no other way to put it: Be yourself, because there is only one YOU. We are all here for our own individual purposes, and you may not fulfill that purpose if you do not allow yourself to show the world who you truly are. No person should EVER have to hide that. Every day, I want you to look in the mirror or close your eyes and tap into your soul, and FOCUS on finding the courage to be who you are and live the life you know you were born to live.


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