Sunday, June 27, 2010

Music: Past, Present, and Future

As we all know, the one-year anniversary of Michael "The King Of Pop" Jackson's passing was a few days ago. I was suddenly seeing his music videos and past interviews all over television. This inspired me to write about today's music industry's most prominent people.
From the moment Michael Jackson began his career, almost everyone fell in love with his music. The world watched and, more importantly, listened as he went from a small child performing with his brothers to an aging man who was about to embark on one of his biggest concert tours of all time. His music, dances and videos have inspired every artist I am going to mention and that's why it is important to look back at the original.
MJ's music will be passed on and passed on through generations and will live forever.
BTW, the singers are listed in a VERY SPECIFIC ORDER of who I admire the most to who I just admire, even though I look up to all of them...

Drake. What can I say? He has come so far, in so little amount of time. His album "Thank Me Later" (which I happen to have and love) came out last week selling over 500,000 copies within that first week. I decided I wanted him on this post because he is a huge inspiration. I saw an interview on tv the other day of him and one of the questions was something like " What do you hope to get out of your album?" and he didn't say "To make lots of money" or "To give more music to the fans" or "To get more famous" (I'd hope nobody would say these)... But his answer was (something close to): "I hope that when people listen to this album, they can relate. I want every song to be relatable to everyone". I like that so much because not many artists can pull this off. And I admire that he can. I think Drizzy will be around for a long time and I can't wait to see what he comes out with next.

Beyonce: "Can you handle this?". Yes, we can... almost. Starting her career in 1995 with the group Destiny's Child, Beyonce has become one of the world's most looked up to and influential musicians of our time. With three group albums and three solo albums, I'd say she is at the top. In every performance you see, she always brings it 110%. Her dancing is incredible and her voice is extremely unique. I love Beyonce because she gets on the stage or in a music video and becomes this tough character that people can relate to and aspire to be like, yet as soon as she comes out of it and does an interview, she is one of the most kind, humble, and down-to-earth people. I know for sure Beyonce will be around forever.

Usher, Usher- He wants to make you "say Oh My Gosh..." As far as dancing goes, I Usher is someone I consider somewhat close to as good as Michael Jackson's skills. I used to have a dvd of one of Usher's concerts and I remember wanting to dance as good as he did so bad (haha!). His voice is also very "90s" which I like a lot, because many of these new singers use something called- um, I guess you can say, auto-tune? Ha! Well I also just got his new CD and I haven't had the chance to listen to the whole thing yet but it seems pretty good so far. He still has a little ways to go (at least in my eyes), but I consider him also "at the top".

GaGa Ooh LaLa... Lady GaGa has only been a famous musician for a couple of years now and she has already let out two albums and three 8,9, or 10 minute long music videos. Her fame (not to be confused with the CD title) has shot up so quickly most of us don't even know how she got here. I admire Lady GaGa not only for her music, but because it seems like she never stops working, and because of her message. Similar to my message, hers is that she wants everyone to feel comfortable in their own skin and she doesn't want anyone in the world to feel like an outcast, or like they don't belong. I know she is a very controversial lady and even I used to think she does all of these crazy things for attention. But when I saw an interview of her and when I looked closer at her videos and listened closer to her music, I found a deeper message, and it is a positive one. She's the next "Madonna", watch.
Well, once again, I appreciate you all SO MUCH for taking time out of your day to look at my blog. Music is very important to my heart and I listen to it almost 24/7, and a lot of times I like artists not only for their music, but also for their personalities... I hope by reading this I have inspired you to listen to some of these singers and I hope I have inspired you to listen to music in a way that you never have before. Of course, there are many more singers who I could have written about, but in my mind these are the absolute top of the top. My predictions could be wrong, but I think for sure they will be around for a long, long, long time.
Again, thanks for reading!

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1 comment:

  1. MJ will always be the BEST! What a loss....
