Monday, January 24, 2011

Brandon's Take on 'Kourtney and Kim Take New York'

My official review of the premiere episode...

I am so excited to see the Kardashians (at least a couple of them) again, and what makes it even better is they're in New York City this time! So how was this episode? One word: PERFECT!
     Kim and Kourtney are taking over New York- Oh wait, and Scott... but we'll get to that later. First let me just say it is so entertaining and fun to watch the new "Single Kim". For one, it's comical to see how nervous she is when it comes to meeting guys and when she finally does meet a guy (an actor who she had met a few years ago), it takes the whole thing to a new level of hysterical. She ends up getting the nerve to asking the guy out on a date after a fight with Kourtney about Scott moving in with them (which again, we will get to later). The dinner-date goes well and afterward, Kim wants to show the guy, Michael, her and Kourtney's new penthouse. They go out onto the deck, and for some reason Michael thinks it is okay to go in for a kiss. Leaning in, almost in slow-motion, Kim looks at him and puts her hand on his chest to stop him. Kim's reasoning for this was that she "wants to enjoy being single" and doesn't want to "fall in love". Good move, Kim.
     Also in this episode, the girls visit their unfurnished store, DASH, located in SOHO, and Kanye West makes a special appearance while the paparazzi fully surround the front of the store. Don't get your hopes up- Kim says there is absolutely nothing going on with her and Mr. West. But hey, there is also absolutely nothing wrong with a little bit of flirting right? Of course, the big story line with the store is "Will they get all the merchandise, furniture, decor, etc. together in time for the opening?!" Obviously they do. Lol.
     All right, let's get to what you really want to know about: Scott. We all knew he was going to come along for this trip, just like he did when Kourtney and Khloe "took Miami", but I was kind of expecting him to live with Kim and Kourtney, as in not down the hall... So why was it such a shocker when halfway through the episode he and Kourt decided to move into the same room? It wasn't. When Kourtney broke the news to Kim, she was quite angry, which I can totally understand, after all the title of the show is "Kourtney and Kim Take New York", not "Kourtney, Kim and Guy With Slick Back Hair Who Always Wears Over The Top Suits Attempt to Take New York". Kim just wanted to be able to spend quality time with her sister Kourtney to bring back the relationship they had when they were kids.
     By the end of the episode, Kim was still "Single Kim", the girls went furniture shopping for their new store, and Kim apologized for overreacting to the news of Scott moving back in and everything was great. Let's just wait until next week when Scott gets into a fight at a club!
     So I just want to talk about one last thing. Through out the episode, there were two instances where Kim was reading about herself on the internet and rumors where she was dating the guys in this episode. I just want to tell all of the tabloids that it's really no one's business who she is dating so just assuming she's in a full on relationship after one hug or one date is just stupid! If she wants the public to know who her boyfriend is then she will come out and say it to everyone, but for now, I hope she enjoys her life as "Single Kim"!

My overall rating of this episode on a scale from 1-10 is about a 9 and a half, it was a great premiere.
As always, I'm so excited to see the rest of this season! Everyone be sure to tune into E! every Sunday night at 10:00/9:00 P.M. central... You know I will be! (And I might even write more reviews)


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