Sunday, April 3, 2011

Abusing Social Networking Websites

A Lesson For Teens

   Almost every teen in the United States is using either Facebook, Twitter, or some other kind of social networking website, but for what? I usually use Facebook and Twitter to get things out about my website and information about my modeling and acting career, but I also use it just to keep up with my friends and what they are doing. However, lately I have been noticing so many negative things happening on these sites and it's just not cool. There have been statuses I see that talk badly about other people with out putting the person's name on it, there has been arguing back and forth in the form of tweets, and I am so sick of it. We are all teenagers here. We share the same pain, we go through the same issues, we are all growing up and we are not alone. A HUGE problem today in the society of teenagers is that we do not know how to empower one another. Instead of going against each other and always picking fights, we need to be encouraging and uplifting to each other. Most of the time, when I'm not promoting myself or my website, I try to write inspiring things that will lift self esteem in others and hopefully make others feel better about what ever they are going through at the time. This is what we all need to do! When negative things are being posted about people, nothing good can ever come from it. If nothing good can come from something, it doesn't need to be done. It's time for everyone to stop all this nonsense and cyber-bullying and start being positive towards each other. Many teens always say, "No one understands me" or "Nobody gets what I'm going through", but in all reality what most teens truly don't understand is that we all know what we're all going through and we all should be able to understand each other. We need to start being here for each other, accepting each other, and being willing to listen as well as give advice to one another. Facebook and Twitter were not created to be tools for drama, crap talking, and bringing down people, and nobody should use it that way. It's not right to ever hurt anyone's feelings, but to go on the internet and write nasty comments where everyone can see is almost a pretty heartless thing to do. As much as I would love for everyone to read this and just stop doing these things on Facebook and Twitter, it's not going to happen. So I am asking you, being a loyal reader, to help me stop this. If you see something on the internet like what I described, confront that person and tell them it's not cool to put that on the internet. Also, if you start using your statuses and updates in a positive manner that builds people up instead of tearing them down, others will start to get the idea and they too will help bring forward this movement.
Please help put an end to the abuse of social networking sites.

Thank you for reading, try to help spread this message.



  1. you got serious talent ever think about being a writer

  2. Wow what a compliment, thank you! Of course I definitely have thought about being a writer, thank you for reading! :)

