Monday, April 25, 2011

Getting Through The Test

    A Few Tips and Tricks on Getting Through a Tough Test

     This week at my school, and in all other schools around Texas, we are taking several state-tests. Sometimes, taking tests can be extremely exhausting and boring, so what do you do to keep yourself focused?
     The main two tips that almost every single administrator gives you are:
  • Get a good night's rest the night before and
  • Eat a nutritious breakfast the morning of...
     I know, I know... You are so tired of hearing these two tips, but I have to say that they actually are pretty credible! Sleep is a must if you want to be able to think clearly and eating a good breakfast prevents you from being hungry, distracted and embarrassed from your stomach growling (it happens!).
     A couple of other test taking tips are:
  • Get yourself into a comfortable testing environment. If anything in the classroom you are testing in is going to distract you or make you feel weird, get out. Don't just walk out obviously, but make arrangements with who ever is in charge. I promise, it won't be that much of an inconvenience to them- they want you to pass!
  • Use your test as help with other questions. If you forget something in one question, look back at the other questions to see if there is information you can use to help you. For instance, if you forget a formula to figure something out, look back and see if another question states the formula in the question. Also, make sure that each answer goes together and makes sense. You must make sure that one answer does not contradict another answer to another question about the same topic.
  • Make your calculator your best friend. This will only apply to math and science tests, but calculators can do just about anything. While studying and getting ready for your test, make sure you know how to do everything possible with your calculator and don't be afraid to ask your teacher for help.
  • Ask, if you do not understand directions. I know, the directions are pretty clear on these state tests, but sometimes you may be hit with a question that you are not sure how to answer. If you really do not understand the directions to a section or question, ask! Don't be scared of looking stupid or idiotic, chances are if you don't get it there are other students who are having the same problem as you. Don't feel bad either, or like you are bothering the teacher- that's what they are there for and the worst thing they can do is say "no".
I really hope these tips have helped you and I wish the best of luck to all of you!
Thanks for reading,


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