Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What Should Your Friends Be Like?

     When you are choosing the people you want to call your friends you often have to be extremely careful. What qualities do you look for in people when searching for friends? I asked a couple of people in my life that same question and this is what they said:

"honesty, caring, loyalty, and trust. mostly honesty, because without honesty you can't have a good relationship with anyone. caring because to keep a relationship going, you have to want it. loyalty, because you don't want a two faced/backstabbing friend. and trust, because without trust you'll have a sketchy relationship that is completely unbalanced."

"awesome personailty that is crazy, funny and outgoing. can take a joke. can be stupid at times but then be serious when needed. they should be a good listener that is there for me whenever i need them and someone that i can call just to call and them not get annoyed by it"

     Agree? I do. To me, a friend should be someone you just sort of click with. You should almost never run out of things to talk about, laugh about the smallest things, and most importantly be able to relate to each other. Your friends should be people that make you happy no matter what is going on in your life. Once you have figured out that you can be happy and have fun with these people, you must think about the things that might be a little more difficult to detect...
     Trust and communication is key in any kind of relationship, including friendships. It may take some time to figure out if you can trust someone. One way to tell if you can trust a person is if they confide in you certain things that happen in their lives. Depending on how "top secret" the things they tell you are, they probably won't be telling a lot of people and if they are telling you, that should mean something. Trust usually isn't something that can be built over night and most of the time it shouldn't. Two reasons why trust and communication is so important when looking for friends are because you wouldn't want someone to go tell all of your secrets to the world and because you need someone to talk to when you are going through a tough time. It's so much more healthier for you when you have someone you can tell things to instead of letting all of your problems bottle up inside of you, just waiting to explode. You need someone who is a good listener and isn't always changing the subject to themselves. In order to have a good friend you need to listen and be listened to.
     It is such an extremely comfortable feeling to know that you have people in your life that you can count on whenever you need them. It feels good to know you have people you can hang out with when you need a break from work and difficult things in life. Be good to your friends, cherish them and let them know how thankful you are for them almost on a daily basis.
     I hope you agree and can somewhat relate to the advice I have given on looking for the right friends and I hope that you keep these things in mind every day when you meet people.
Be the best friend you can be and I guarantee you will find that people will start to be the best friends they can be to you.

Thanks for reading,


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