Thursday, August 25, 2011

Advanced Placement Classes, Positive or Negative?

An Essay Taking An In Depth Look At The Advanced Placement Program

This is an essay that I wrote last year and by posting it on here, I thought it would be beneficial to my readers for several reasons. I want people to see what I think about Advanced Placement classes and programs in schools and I also want them to see an example of an essay I had to write for my English II class last year... Enjoy!

     "When students are deciding whether or not to take an AP class, there are many things they often consider. They question 'Is this class going to be difficult?' 'Am I going to have to work extra hard?' 'Is this class going to get me ready for college?' 'Is it going to help me get into college?' The answer to these questions is yes. Advanced Placements classes should be used to increase the quality of a student's education because they will be at a high learning level and because of almost mandatory study habits, they will know what to expect once they get into college. Using AP classes as a tool to increase the quality of education is something that should be done also because it should potentially help them get into colleges, even if the student's family isn't the wealthiest.
     Once of the main differences between an AP and "regular" class is the amount of information to be learned. Instead of just giving out the basic information over the topic the class is going over, AP classes require the students to take a more in depth look at everything in order to learn the details. Causing the students to have "a more rigorous educational experience than they would otherwise have" (unknown source), they would be forced to take time on their own to study and put in any extra effort they can to learn about what ever it is they need to learn about at that time. These study habits will be something the students are going to be able to carry on with them once they go to college. In other words, they will be prepared.
     [Another unknown source], attempting to make an argument against AP classes, states that they are "just another advantage for wealthy students over everyone else when it comes to getting into college". This is not true. There is no rule or requirement that says you must be wealthy in order to take an AP course. Students who take and do very well in AP classes are most likely going to be the ones in their school getting scholarships to major colleges, meaning they wouldn't have to pay the amount that someone would have to pay if they only go accepted. In recent years, colleges have been more interested in students that show major academic achievement on their transcripts, like doing well in AP classes. If the college really believes in and wants a student, the wealth of that student will not play a significant role in their acceptance although money to attend the college can possibly be a problem. However that is not AP's fault.
     To one who may be questioning their abilities in AP classes, the answer is 'yes'. You will have to work extra hard. These classes will get you ready for college. These classes will help you get into a great college. The AP program is something that can be used to increase the quality of a student's education, just as it should."

I know that was a lot,

Thank you so much for reading!


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