Monday, February 18, 2013

Who are you?

How to find the answer, and why it is important...

     Through out life, your main goal (whether you realize it or not) is to find out who you are. You are constantly searching for validation, for success, for that final reward/award to feel good about the person you are. What does it mean to know who you are though? Well, when you know, you know. Honestly, I am 18 years old, and like most other teens, I am still figuring out who I am. Sometimes I feel like I know who I am, and other times I feel lost. With that being said, I have come to the conclusion that I do not completely know who I am yet- and that's okay. There is no set time on when you are supposed to be content with everything about yourself. Some adults are still searching for validity- that's okay too. But, maybe the reason some people may have a difficult time finding themselves is that they are searching in the wrong places. What is the best way to search for who you really are? Only YOU can answer that. What were you put on this earth to do? What is your calling? What do you believe in? What will you stand for? What will you fight for? What is it that makes your soul tick? Take some time out every once in a while and get away from all of the noise. Listen to yourself and what your heart is telling you about life. Spending time with your own mind and heart can be an amazing thing, and it can only make you stronger. Don't cut people out, but if you want to find out who you are and what you stand for, channel your inner energy and pay attention to what your soul is telling you. Like I always say, this is it people- life. No second chances, this is it. Once you have even the tiniest idea of who you are, you are on the right track. Just remember, don't rush to find out who you are- it is your experiences that create that end result, embrace the adventure.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Rest In Peace, Alexander McQueen

Remembering A True Fashion Artist
     Three years ago yesterday, the fashion world lost one of its most iconic designers of all time. Alexander McQueen was unique, daring, and a designer who truly knew the definition of high fashion. His work has been recognized all around the world and more importantly, his ART has touched the fashionable souls of many. Gone, but most certainly not forgotten, Alexander McQueen will always be missed, especially by those of us who appreciate fashion as an art. As a fan, I just thought I would take a post to show some of his most amazing pieces of work...

R.I.P. Alexander McQueen


Photo Credit:


Positivity Will Grow
     When you are positive about life and daily situations, others around you will begin to have a positive attitude as well. Smile, be cheery, compliment people, laugh, and be happy. When you are happy, it is quite difficult for others to not feel the same way. So by simply having a good attitude on your own, you are already doing a good deed because that energy will spread to others (even without you trying). The next time you are down, stressed out, or just in a bad mood, stop and think. Ask yourself, is what ever you are going through really worth making yourself AND others feel negatively? Most likely, it won't be worth it- Think optimistically, and spread positivity. In the long run, everyone will end up happy.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

What is life about?

Life is about getting through what ever obstacles stand in your way.
Life is about being victorious. 
Life is about helping others. 
Life is about creating change in the world. 
Life is about spreading positivity. 
Life is about making a difference. 
Life is about living for a cause. 
Life is about dying for a cause. 
Life is about being yourself. 
Life is about encouragement. 
Life is about happiness. 
Life is about making others happy. 
Life is about embracing the good and the bad.
Life is about living, so live. 
This is not a rehearsal. 
This is it: Life.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Born This Way Ball Houston

Lady Gaga Invades 1/31/13
     9 days ago, my friend and I began a two-day journey that would totally be worth it in the end. We decided to camp out at the Toyota Center so that we could get into the Monster Pit at the Born This Way Ball for Lady Gaga for our birthdays. Guess what... We did it! The experience was incredible. There were so many "little monsters" waiting in line to see Gaga, and we all formed a special bond overnight. We were all there to celebrate love, empowerment, inspiration, art, bravery, and of course, Lady Gaga. 
     So we made it into the pit and before the show started, we were already crying. Lady Gaga is not only a musician, but she is one of the most influential people of my generation's time. She spreads positivity through out every ounce of her being and her work, this is why so many people love her. 
     The Born This Way Ball was simply amazing. From the very beginning, Gaga was giving it her all. Singing every single song off of the album "Born This Way", her vocals were amazing as well as her dancing. The Born This Way Ball had the most talented dancers, the most impressive set, and a great story line. Gaga spread words of love and encouragement through out the whole show, which is something that most artists do not do. The audience can tell that Gaga really means everything she says too, because she, herself, used to get bullied in high school and she shares some of those personal stories with us in between songs. This woman is incredibly brave and talented, and I am so glad that I got to enjoy the Born This Way Ball the way that I did. I will have the memory of this day forever! Before the end of the show, Gaga said something that I will always remember because it is true: 
"You have to stop looking outside for validation, you have to rid yourself of life's surveillance, and look in only one place... you must look on the inside to find your greatness.

    Stay tuned for the new album "ARTPOP" this year, and also, if you haven't already, create an account on --it is amazing, especially if you love Lady Gaga!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Fictional Story, By Me.

     Today, I was going through my computer and I found some old fictional stories I had written a few months ago... I found reading them so interesting because I get the sense of my own mind being taken off into some far off place that I had created. Here is one story that I found... I don't want to share the whole thing because I would possibly like to finish the story one day, but here you go, I hope you enjoy it!

     I was awake. I looked up and I saw the stars in the sky, but why? I heard car horns honking and people yelling in the distance, but I couldn’t put together where I was. My body was hurting and my heart was too, but why? Well, as I began to sit up, I realized that my body was in pain because I had been thrown onto the concrete sidewalk. However, the honest reason for my heartache, I may never know. I did not want to get up. I was in so much pain and I almost didn’t want to know where I was. I was uncertain about everything, and I was scared. This was so unlike the usual me. I used to be fearless. I could go anywhere, do anything, talk to anybody, and still have all the confidence left in the world. That is part of the reason why I was so terrified in that moment on the ground. I knew that what ever happened to me, caused me to obtain a sense of fear, and that was something that took a lot for me to allow happening. I stayed on the ground and closed my eyes. At this point, all the noise in the distance had faded and I was in my own world. I just needed a minute to collect my thoughts so that I could figure out what I was going to do. But more importantly, I needed a minute to figure out what had happened to me. Once I was thinking clearly, I realized that the only way I would figure out what happened to me was if I got up off of the pavement. I opened my eyes, and once again, I saw the stars. They were even brighter this time, but I liked it. My ability to notice this meant that I was alive. I took a deep breath, and I felt a terrible pain in my chest. Finally, I got the nerve to attempt to get up on my feet. First, I sat up. I almost could not bear the pain I felt in my whole upper body. I took a second and looked around me. I was in downtown. I was also shirtless. I made it to my knees. I could only stand to be on my knees for a quick second because I discovered they were completely scraped up and covered in blood. So I got to my feet. I turned around to find that I was at a park. Although the park was pitch black, I recognized it instantly. I didn’t know why though… After I was stable on my feet, I walked to sit down on a bench. Still in an apparent and incredibly confusing delusion, I thought to find my phone. I felt my front pockets- nothing. I felt my back pockets- again, nothing. What was I going to do? I wanted to cry and I felt my bottom lip begin to quiver, but the tears would not come out of my eyes. I thought about walking home, but I knew that home was far away. I’m not sure what came over me, but I looked around for any occurrence of communication or humanity, but I did not see it. So, I went to sleep. 

Thanks for reading,