Friday, February 8, 2013

Born This Way Ball Houston

Lady Gaga Invades 1/31/13
     9 days ago, my friend and I began a two-day journey that would totally be worth it in the end. We decided to camp out at the Toyota Center so that we could get into the Monster Pit at the Born This Way Ball for Lady Gaga for our birthdays. Guess what... We did it! The experience was incredible. There were so many "little monsters" waiting in line to see Gaga, and we all formed a special bond overnight. We were all there to celebrate love, empowerment, inspiration, art, bravery, and of course, Lady Gaga. 
     So we made it into the pit and before the show started, we were already crying. Lady Gaga is not only a musician, but she is one of the most influential people of my generation's time. She spreads positivity through out every ounce of her being and her work, this is why so many people love her. 
     The Born This Way Ball was simply amazing. From the very beginning, Gaga was giving it her all. Singing every single song off of the album "Born This Way", her vocals were amazing as well as her dancing. The Born This Way Ball had the most talented dancers, the most impressive set, and a great story line. Gaga spread words of love and encouragement through out the whole show, which is something that most artists do not do. The audience can tell that Gaga really means everything she says too, because she, herself, used to get bullied in high school and she shares some of those personal stories with us in between songs. This woman is incredibly brave and talented, and I am so glad that I got to enjoy the Born This Way Ball the way that I did. I will have the memory of this day forever! Before the end of the show, Gaga said something that I will always remember because it is true: 
"You have to stop looking outside for validation, you have to rid yourself of life's surveillance, and look in only one place... you must look on the inside to find your greatness.

    Stay tuned for the new album "ARTPOP" this year, and also, if you haven't already, create an account on --it is amazing, especially if you love Lady Gaga!


1 comment:

  1. You didn’t photo credit me :’(
    but we cute, at the bottom :p
