Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Fictional Story, By Me.

     Today, I was going through my computer and I found some old fictional stories I had written a few months ago... I found reading them so interesting because I get the sense of my own mind being taken off into some far off place that I had created. Here is one story that I found... I don't want to share the whole thing because I would possibly like to finish the story one day, but here you go, I hope you enjoy it!

     I was awake. I looked up and I saw the stars in the sky, but why? I heard car horns honking and people yelling in the distance, but I couldn’t put together where I was. My body was hurting and my heart was too, but why? Well, as I began to sit up, I realized that my body was in pain because I had been thrown onto the concrete sidewalk. However, the honest reason for my heartache, I may never know. I did not want to get up. I was in so much pain and I almost didn’t want to know where I was. I was uncertain about everything, and I was scared. This was so unlike the usual me. I used to be fearless. I could go anywhere, do anything, talk to anybody, and still have all the confidence left in the world. That is part of the reason why I was so terrified in that moment on the ground. I knew that what ever happened to me, caused me to obtain a sense of fear, and that was something that took a lot for me to allow happening. I stayed on the ground and closed my eyes. At this point, all the noise in the distance had faded and I was in my own world. I just needed a minute to collect my thoughts so that I could figure out what I was going to do. But more importantly, I needed a minute to figure out what had happened to me. Once I was thinking clearly, I realized that the only way I would figure out what happened to me was if I got up off of the pavement. I opened my eyes, and once again, I saw the stars. They were even brighter this time, but I liked it. My ability to notice this meant that I was alive. I took a deep breath, and I felt a terrible pain in my chest. Finally, I got the nerve to attempt to get up on my feet. First, I sat up. I almost could not bear the pain I felt in my whole upper body. I took a second and looked around me. I was in downtown. I was also shirtless. I made it to my knees. I could only stand to be on my knees for a quick second because I discovered they were completely scraped up and covered in blood. So I got to my feet. I turned around to find that I was at a park. Although the park was pitch black, I recognized it instantly. I didn’t know why though… After I was stable on my feet, I walked to sit down on a bench. Still in an apparent and incredibly confusing delusion, I thought to find my phone. I felt my front pockets- nothing. I felt my back pockets- again, nothing. What was I going to do? I wanted to cry and I felt my bottom lip begin to quiver, but the tears would not come out of my eyes. I thought about walking home, but I knew that home was far away. I’m not sure what came over me, but I looked around for any occurrence of communication or humanity, but I did not see it. So, I went to sleep. 

Thanks for reading,

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