Thursday, May 2, 2013


Dealing With The Unexpected...   
     Life would not be life if everything ran smoothly at every moment. You must always expect the unexpected, however this is kind of impossible because you won't know what exactly to expect if it is going to be something unexpected... So how can you prepare? You can't. There is no way of preventing something that you won't know will happen, all you can do is react. Life is about actions and reactions. Always maintain your mental stability by staying calm and knowing that everything will work out in the end. Like I always say, there is no other option but for things to be okay in the end. Deal with your situations accordingly, think through how you will solve unexpected issues, carry out your plans, come to a resolve, learn from your mistakes, and prepare for the future. Stay confident in knowing that you can fix unexpected challenges, and if it is truly something that you cannot fix, stay confident in knowing that you will come out of your situation stronger and smarter than before. In a way, challenges are blessings in disguise. While they may not be positive at all, you will pretty much always walk away from every challenge knowing more than you did before your experience. The next time you are faced with a challenge, look at it head on and say, "I can handle you, and if you end up finding a way to defeat me, I realize that the real defeat is the one being placed on you, because I will leave this challenge an overall better and more prepared human being." Everything happens for a reason, so don't let unexpected challenges stress you out or tear you down. Whatever happens, was meant to happen, so accept it- this is the way your life was meant to be. Stay strong.


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