Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Proving Yourself

     As humans, it is natural for us to feel as if we constantly have to prove ourselves to others. We always have to be the best, we always have to be right, and we can never make any mistakes. Understandably, we try to achieve all of this because society has pressured us into thinking we must. But, the truth is, we do not have to prove ourselves to anyone except for ourselves. 
     As long as you are genuine about things you do for people, it does not matter how you look or what people think about those actions, as long as you know that you are doing them for the right reasons. Help people to help people, not just to look good or to gain any favors in return. Tell the truth. As long as you know you are not lying, do not worry if someone is accusing you of being erroneous. As far as mistakes go, we all make them. Own up to your mistakes and your situation will be easier than it would have been had you not. Allow people to see your flaws, for how you handle your mistakes is what creates your character. 
     Do not worry about what others think of you. If you know how to be an authentic person and stay true to who you really are, you are set for life. Life is not about how people perceive your actions, it is about your actions and, personally, how you feel about your reasons for your actions and the results. Do not play yourself and get caught up in what others think. If someone wants to believe that you are inauthentic, prove them wrong by proving to yourself that as long as you know what your intentions are and that they have positive impacts, you could care less about what others think. The key to feeling great and to helping others feel great is being genuine and real, ignoring all of the noise.


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