Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer 2013

     The Rules to a Successful Summer
     This year, Summer is a little bit different for me. I have different friends, we are all busy with our own ventures, and times have changed. My friends and I have graduated, college is right around the corner, and everyone is trying to figure out just exactly who they are. The one thing that is the same about Summer is that feeling of freedom. We all feel it. Even if we have jobs, we feel free from the stress of school and free from the boring and repetitive routine our minds must adjust to for 9 months.
     With that freedom, comes choices. With the choices we make, comes consequences. Summertime is the best. Some of the most amazing memories of my life have happened during Summer. There is so much to do and so many things to get into, but if you get into the wrong things, life could change for the worse in a matter of seconds. Summer can be crazy and so much fun, but before you do something stupid, think about the end results. Do not do anything that could put you, your friends, or your family in danger. Life is too short to slip up and make a simple mistake that could change the course of the rest of your life. Be safe. Don't get wasted and roam the streets, don't lie to people about where you are going to be, don't harm yourself. You always have your friends and family- do not ever be afraid to call on someone if you truly feel that you are in danger.
     That being said, it's okay to "let loose" during the Summertime- have fun! That is what these couple of months are supposed to be all about. Just remember to always think about your actions. It would be a terrible shame to bring down your everyone's Summer because of a mistake you made. Please, be careful who you associate with, be careful of the parts of town you go to, be careful when you are under the influence (although it would be safer to just resist), and be thoughtful of how your decisions may affect your loved ones. You can play hard, but remember that in the end you are going to have to work hard as well. Be successful at life- do not be a statistic or a victim.


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