Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Be Who You Want To Be

A Lesson on Being Yourself as well as Accepting Others for Who They Are    
     In the past, I would have described myself as a pretty guarded person who didn't really talk to many people. I used to be so afraid to put myself out there because I thought people would talk badly about me or make fun of me. It was even this way freshman year (last year), but this year I realized a few things...
     People really don't put as much thought into you as you think they do. I'm not saying you are conceited haha, I'm just saying that being over-self conscious about who you are is kind of pointless. You shouldn't even be thinking about what other people might say or think about you, and I know it is way easier to say this than to be this way but it definitely takes hard work. You just have to truly let go.
     This is especially important for teens because I feel like high school can be one of the hardest times in your life because you have to figure out who you are all while taking into consideration what people are going to think of you. There is also so much pressure from not only people, but from magazines and TV shows kind of leading you on to what you are "supposed to be" or the "cookie-cutter" look or personality. And yeah, some of those things can be cool and there may even be some people in the media who aren't conforming and are being themselves, but you just have to take a few steps back and say: Is that me? If it isn't, that is okay!
     Dress how you want to dress, act how you want to act, talk how you want to talk (except over-excessive bad language because it can be disrespectful and rude), walk how you want to walk, study things you want to study (along with school), listen to the kind of music you want to listen to, dance how you want to dance, watch what you want to watch on TV, go to the places you want to go, read the books you want to read, believe in the religion you want to believe in, be true to you. Do not be a follower and agree with and conform to what everybody else is doing. Unless it is you and you like it.
     It is such a vital part of living to do the things you want to do (and all things listed in the above paragraph) because who wants to live life being uncomfortable and scared to come out of their shell because they are frightened by the potential criticism? Not me, and I'm sure not you! It is my #1 goal in life to make people feel comfortable and to feel like they have a meaning of existing in this crazy world. So do me a favor and help me out, when you see a shy kid in the hallway, give them a compliment, or just say "hey!". It truly can make a person's day to feel like they have been noticed, especially when they are different than the average person you see. Have respect for people who dare to be different. Appreciate the fact that they are themselves. One day all people in this world will feel free to be how ever they please, but we all have to work at this together.
     I have to say that in the past year I have definitely been coming out of my shell and have really been being myself and it has gained me so much more friends. People want to be around the confident person who isn't afraid to be too "out there", so be that person. There is no one else on the planet like you and you have to remember that at all times. Appreciate who you are and realize that other people will relate to you. We would all be so much happier if we put ourselves out there and were accepting of one another as well. It is your time to let loose and be free.

Thanks for reading,


1 comment:

  1. So true B!! Good stuff to learn when you are young!
