Thursday, May 26, 2011

High School 2010-2011

The End of an Incredible School Year

     The last day of the school year is coming up soon (whether you count it as tomorrow or not because we have finals next week), and as I do every year, I have taken a lot of time to reflect on my experience from the past 9 or 10 months. Let's start from the beginning:
     Towards the end of the summer of 2010, I was extremely ready  and anxious to get the year started. I told myself that when sophomore year started I was going to have certain friends and I made a promise to be as crazy as possible. Then the year started.
     I definitely came in with a bang (at least according to me). I just stopped caring about what people thought of me and I let go of all my insecurities. That was something that ended up being very beneficial to me because it gave me the ability to open up to people and make more friends, which I did immediately.
     To be honest, I was not happy at all with my classes at the beginning of the year and I remember thinking: How the heck am I going to survive this year? But, with no option, I dealt with it. It got better of course and I'm happy to say that my mindset changed. I learned to respect most of my teachers which allowed me to get the most of out what they were trying to teach me.
     I did many great things this year like get involved in HABLA, National Honors Society, and do well in my advanced classes (even though there may have been times of struggle!). Some of my greatest memories of this school year include when I went on a field trips like Fashion Career Day where I met Carmen Marc Valvo and acted crazy with my friends, and the Hispanic Career Day where I also hung out with hilarious friends and met some influential people. I also loved staying after school for the foreign language day program where I, again, hung out with funny people and laughed a lot!
     Freshman year I didn't have many senior friends. Maybe that was because I didn't care, or I was still pretty much in a shell. But this year, I had many senior friends and it makes me really sad but happy at the same time to know that pretty soon they are going to be going off to college. I am extremely happy for them and I will miss them dearly, but it is just a part of life. I just hope my Senior friends know that they have definitely made a mark in my life that will last forever.
     When I walk around school every day, I look at everybody. By that I mean that I just love to observe the way everyone dresses and interacts with each other and this year has been a year to remember the people. I know it sounds so funny, but I'm going to miss seeing some people in the hallways, even if I have never even said a word to them. Before this starts to sound creepy, what can I say? I love people-watching!
     This year went by SO FAST, I really can't believe it is over. Next year I will be a Junior, which means that my friends and I will now be on the upper half of the school. We still have quite a ways to go before we are done with high school, but it is still close, and I have heard that it goes be quicker and quicker as time goes by.
     I really ended up loving my classes this year, I enjoy every single one of them and the people in them have really grown on me.
     In the end, I can say that during sophomore year, I learned who I was. I reinvented myself and stayed true to my "Over-The-Top" theme of the year. I have gained so many friends and I love them all so much, they will NEVER know how much they mean to me. I have put myself out there and have become open to meeting new people. Once again, I have to say that I am going to miss my Senior friends so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, SO much, but I can't wait to see what they make of themselves in the future.
     Sophomore year has been an amazing year, better than freshman year by far.
     I have one thing left to say. Coming into this year I told myself to be completely Over-The-Top with the way I dress, act, do my hair, interact with people, choose my classes, and pretty much do everything. I feel that I have accomplished that in a major way. Just because all good things must come to an end, it doesn't mean they can't be reborn into something greater. If you think I was Over-The-Top Sophomore year, you just wait until next school year.

Rest In Peace 2010-2011 School Year, You have been GREAT,
Thanks for reading,


1 comment:

  1. awwwwwwwh my littttle Brandon!! This made me smile :-) because you really did truly stick to who yoiu are inside and out. You are such a great person & you will go very far in life.

    love always,
