Monday, February 13, 2012


It Takes More Than Just My Words To Stop It

   As many of you know, I preach and preach all the time about how wrong bullying is- yet it still continues to go on. Maybe I haven't explained to you all enough about what bullying is, and maybe some of you don't even realize that you are doing it. So, by the time you are done reading this post, I hope that you will fully understand just what bullying is, and I hope that you will join me in helping to bring an end to it. 
   Bullying. What exactly does that word mean? We see in the movies and on television that it is often portrayed as teens getting shoved into lockers, thrown into trash cans, getting beat up, and getting their lunch money stolen- but that is far from what bullying really is in today's society. In our reality, the word bullying really means teens getting bashed on Twitter and Facebook, teens getting called "overweight", "fat", "ugly" or "fag", teens trying to ruin each other's reputations whether by way of verbal altercations or hiding behind the computer and writing nasty things on the Internet. Bullying has gone way further than being thrown into lockers and trash cans, because words stay in peoples' minds forever- bruises don't stay forever. 
   You may think that calling someone a name or making fun of how they dress or their unique style is not a big deal, but it is. Every time you make a comment like that to someone, they remember it and become insecure about what ever was pointed out. This is not cool, it totally tears one's self esteem down. Why should people not be allowed to be the way they want to be with out being criticized for it? There is no legitimate reason for that. 
   Now, let's tackle another aspect of bullying: Social Networking Websites. Originally, they were created so that people can keep in touch with their friends' lives, look at pictures, and just see what their friends are up to on a daily basis, but some don't seem to remember that, or even care about that. Recently, I have seen so much drama on Facebook and Twitter, and it just doesn't seem to end. People are constantly talking crap to each other, starting fights, and just beating each other up about how they look or how they act or who they hang out with. It's not right at all and it seriously needs to end. In the end, who wins? Nobody. You both have been torn down and criticized. Not only did that happen, but it was done on the Internet, for everyone to read. You all need to cut it out because that is not what these social networking sites were made for. 
   Bullying is not what you typically see in the movies. Bullying is all around us. We all need to remember that we are all people. We are all teenagers. We don't need to tear each other down all the time for any reason. Just be nice, it's not that hard. 
   Please help me spread the word, because my voice alone is not strong enough to make a difference- we all need to join together to work against this, for the better of our community, society, city, state, country, and world. 

Thanks for reading, it really means a lot to me,

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