Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Working Together, To Come Together

     Being teenagers, we have so many things to worry about. From grades, jobs, and sports to friendships, relationships and weekend-life, we all have a lot of different things going on. That, I feel, is something that many of us fail to realize. A lot of times, we forget that we all have more things in common than we think and this is why we often fight with each other and try to bring each other down (even with small comments we say about random people). I don't want to focus on all of that negativity in this blog, because I feel that going into detail about it doesn't really do anything. Instead, I want to focus on empowerment and how we can be positive towards each other. 
     What does empowerment mean to you? To me, it means understanding one another and making people feel good about themselves. We are all teenagers, so we need to start gaining the knowledge that we all have things in common, no matter what. Being a teenager is one thing that we can all relate on, and sometimes it can be difficult. It's nice when you surround yourself with people who understand you and want to be there or you, so we should all try to be those type of people. 
     There are several ways we can go about empowering one another. One obvious way is to just give people compliments about one's appearance. If you like someone's hair or what someone has on, tell them! Trust me, they will remember, and not only will they feel good but you will feel good too, knowing that you just helped someone feel good about how they look. Just by simply complimenting someone, it makes them feel important and it makes them feel noticed. Another way to empower someone is to listen and be attentive. When someone is telling you a story, listen to them. Look at them and really try to take in what they are saying, because most of the time when someone talks, they want what they are saying to be heard. People can tell when you are really listening to them, and it makes them feel good. Encouraging others to do their best is another way to empower others. Tell your friends to do good in school, and tell them to make the right decisions about life. Commit  yourself to putting your friend on the right track through life. Nothing is better than wanting the best for others. One last way to empower other teenagers is to give advice to others. Do your absolute best to tell your friends how you feel about a situation they are in and do your best to help get them out of any kind of negativity.
     We all should work together, to come together. Teens all go through the same things, so making each other feel better can only promote peace through out the entire teenage society. Empowering others has become one of my main goals in life. Who doesn't want to feel good about themselves? I hope you all have taken away something from this blog, and I hope you all plan on working to empower others. Empowerment is one of the most joyful things to experience in life. So, let's begin this road to peace.


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