Friday, June 3, 2011

To the Senior Class of 2011

Dear Graduates of 2011,

   I am so proud of all of you and I will miss you so much!
   Last year I didn't really have that many senior friends so it didn't really matter to me all that much when graduation day came around. But this year, I grew close to a few seniors and being able to see them graduate means the world me. I can't wait!
   I want to thank my senior friends so much for actually giving me the time of day because a lot of times seniors don't really talk to or hang out with people in grades lower than them.
   Of course I am going to miss my senior friends, but I'm more happy than sad about this day for a couple reasons:
     1. They are about to enter a whole new life experiencing new great things and actually get to start building a life of their own, and
     2. I know that I will still keep in touch with them. It used to be hard to keep in touch with people from high school, but with today's technology (Facebook and Cellphones), I'm sure it won't be too complicated.
   I'm so excited to see what my senior friends make of themselves in the future and I have to say that they are probably my favorite class of our whole high school. They are amazing people who know how to have fun  and take care of each other and I am so proud of them for getting through the past four years perfectly fine.

I'm so excited to see you all walk across that stage tonight, I'll be in the crowd screaming as loud as I can,
Love you all,
Thanks for reading,
Your favorite from class of '13,


1 comment:

  1. It won't be long before you are walking across the stage too - enjoy high school!!!
