Saturday, July 2, 2011

One Year Later...

     About this time of year last year, I had just created something that I hoped would give me something to do while helping people out with anything they needed. I wanted this project to be something special that came from my heart, and I wanted every piece of it to have meaning.
     This, of course, would be my website.
     Some people may not think that creating a website is that big of a deal, but to me it is. I thought (and still think) it is a big deal for me because it gives me an opportunity to reach out to people and give them advice. My goal was (and is) to share my opinion on just about anything, ranging from serious advice to fun trends and entertainment suggestions.
     Something I have learned by just being a teenager and being in high school, is that we all want to be heard. Every single person wants their voice to be heard and wants their opinion to matter. Part of the reason for creating my website is so I could try and help be the voice for young teens. When people read the things on my website, I want them to be able to relate and I want them to think "Man, I feel this way too" and I hope that people will listen.
     Back in June and July of 2010, I was at the point where I didn't know if my blog was even going to last a year because it was so much hard work and I wasn't sure if people would even read it, but here we are a year later and it is still going strong.
     If you take away anything from reading the blogs on my website, know that as I press these keys on my keyboard and dry my eyes out by staring at the computer screen with out a blink, I have YOU in mind. I am thinking of ways to entertain and to help YOU, people just like me.

     I want my blog to be a place where you can come and be free to be however you want to be. I want you to be inspired to do whatever you want and not care what people think. I want you to learn and listen to my advice so that you can breathe easy in tough situations and you can help others to do the same. I want to inspire you to not only be inspired, but to also inspire others so that the cycle can just keep going on and on so that eventually we can all be at peace.

Thank you so much for being a loyal reader and I hope you continue to follow me through my journey,


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