Wednesday, March 7, 2012

KONY 2012

Make Kony Famous
...And Then We Can Stop Him


   If you have been on any sort of social networking website during the past week, I am sure you have heard about the new Kony 2012 campaign, initiated by the Invisible Children organization and made public by typical Americans just like you. Joseph Kony is a monster of a man who has been capturing and abducting thousands and thousands of children in Uganda, forcing them to become child soldiers. This has been going on for about 20 years and the time has finally come for it to be stopped. We can't allow these children to live in fear anymore. The United States has sent advisors to assist the army in Uganda, and we need to continue to do everything we can to help. In order for the government to keep spending money on helping Uganda and other affected countries, they need to know that people care about this issue. In order for us to show that we care about this issue, we need to get this story out. Invisible Children has brought people together to spread the word by putting Kony's face and name all over the United States. On April 20th, 2012, they will attempt to cover cities all over the country with posters and stickers displaying this as well. 
   So, what can you do? You probably think you can't do much, but you are wrong. Click here to go to the Invisible Children website where you can donate, order an action kit, and learn about this terrible issue. Also, if you haven't already, please please please watch the video above and share it with as many people as you can. 
Joseph Kony will be arrested and brought to justice in 2012, but this is only possible if we all work together to make it possible.

This video deeply inspired me to get the word out about Kony and the thousands of suffering children in Uganda and the affected countries, and I hope this blog and the video can do the same for you, thank you so much for taking the time out to watch and read.


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