Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Lady Gaga!

One of the Most Amazing Human Beings to Ever Walk the Earth
     If you know me well, or even know me at all, you know that one of my favorite artists in the whole entire world is a singer by the name of Lady Gaga. I love her for many reasons that have to do with both her talent and her message that she tries to send to the world. Not only is Gaga an incredibly talented singer and piano-player, but she also has an amazing heart. Her message that she advocates is that everyone should love themselves no matter what, and we should accept people just as they are and treat everyone with respect. She is completely against any kind of bullying or hatred and this is exactly why I love her. I had the privilege of seeing Lady Gaga in concert last year and that is when I really fell in love with her. She sang and danced beautifully and screamed out her message as if she was yelling at the whole world to love one another.
     Last week, an episode of one of Oprah's new shows on her network aired and Oprah was interviewing Lady Gaga and Gaga's mother. I finally got to watch it today and I was even more blown away by Lady Gaga than I already was. Along with a great interview, the show followed Lady Gaga and her mother as they launched the "Born This Way Foundation" which works to empower youth and inspire bravery through out the world. I am so proud of Lady Gaga for this huge accomplishment and I can't even wait to see how much this organization grows. 
     Well, the point of me admiring Lady Gaga in this blog so much is because today happens to be a special day for her. It is Lady Gaga's 26th birthday. Because she has been changing the world day by day, I feel that Gaga deserves to have the best birthday ever. So, this is my participation in praising her and I hope to make her happy by sending out her message of love, empowerment, and bravery to all of you reading this right now. To learn more about the Born This Way Foundation and to get involved, please please PLEASE visit Thank you for reading!


Thank you for reading, I hope you check out the Born This Way Foundation, and stay tuned for the Born This Way Ball Tour- Dates to be announced soon!


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