Thursday, March 8, 2012


Teens Risking Way Too Much, Way Too Early
   One thing I haven't really ever talked about on my blog is teenage sex, but I feel that as we get older, the topic is becoming more and more important for us teens to have a conversation about. Why though?
   I am a Junior in high school, and I'm not sure if it's just at my school (I have a strong feeling it's not), but it seems like every day I hear something about someone having sex or people I know interacting with each other by engaging in sexual acts. And why is this bad? There are several problems that can come from teenage sex:

   Sex should be something special that you save for someone special. Don't just go with what you feel. Of course, my obvious advice would be to wait until you are married or at least an adult and can make a decision only using your brain and no other feelings. But if you will not commit to doing that, then set yourself a time limit: months, not weeks or days. Once you lose your virginity, you can never get it back so don't just do it with someone who you know deep in your heart may not even be special to you one day. This is something you will remember for the rest of your life, so choose carefully.
   Diseases. There are so many out there that can be easily transmitted through sex. If you are going to have sex, please please please use protection. Do not ever allow anyone to talk you into having sex with out a condom. However, just because you use protection, you are not 100% safe against these sexually transmitted diseases. You CAN get an STD from oral sex. Some of these diseases don't ever go away, also. Some of them are deadly. Many teens think, "Oh that will never happen to me", and "My gf/bf would tell me if they had an STD!", but the truth is that you really never know. Your significant other may not even know if they have a disease; you cannot always physically tell. Just please be careful and always use protection, because failure to do so can cost you your life.
   Babies, babies, babies. Most teens are not ready to have children. I don't want to talk down on those teens who already have children, because I know it can be tough, and far too often those teens don't have a choice but to grow up. But what kind of teen wants to grow up in that aspect of life so soon? Life as a teen can already be so difficult, balancing school, work, and a social life- you don't need the extra stress of another life you have to take care of. You may think it is easy, but caring for another life is something that can change the whole course of your life, especially when it happens too early. Again, if you are going to have sex, use protection.
   Sex can totally ruin a relationship. If you do it too early, you can become far too emotionally involved and that's not healthy when a relationship first begins. If that relationship ends sooner than you expected, you will be way too hurt. You can have fun with each other and still be wearing clothes- It is possible. Also, when a couple has sex a lot, that can become all a relationship consists of. You and your significant other can both become emotionally detached and basically just use each other for sex. That's not healthy for you, don't give someone what they don't deserve.
   In pop culture, there are so many things that influence people to be sexy. Sex sells. However, that doesn't mean you actually have to have it yet. There is a difference between being fashionably, and artistically sexy and giving someone something that has the potential to change the whole course of your life. 
   Please just wait to have sex. And if you already have, please think about what you are doing. And if you continue to have sex (because I know many of you reading this will), please use protection. Not using protection is not worth dying or having to take on responsibilities way too soon. 
   Many people think it's the cool thing to have sex, but if enough of us discuss it, teens can start to become comfortable in admitting that the right thing to do is wait. Help me spread the word. 

Stay Smart, and Stay Safe,


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