Monday, December 30, 2013


2013 was a long year.

     The last night of 2012 was spent with some of my closest friends at my house. We closed the year reminiscing about the times we had that year and talking about ways we could improve ourselves in the year 2013. Of course, we had all these plans, but we really had no idea what 2013 would bring to us all. 
If you are close to me, you know that 2013 was a crazy year. I would have never expected to be where I am today. I expected myself to be off to a university, having lots of friends, consistently making the right choices, and keeping at least one secret from my family still. To say that I went out on a limb during 2013 would be an understatement. My theme for this past year has definitely been, "Just Go For It". Every time I was scared, and every time I second guessed myself, or was nervous, I told myself to just go for it. With the help from friends and maybe a little bit of peer pressure, I did just that. I also learned how to channel my energy and think more positively. I don't stress out like I used to and I learned that one can learn from all different areas of life. I learned that I had to stop trying to prove myself all the time, that if I believed in myself and if I believed in others, that was enough to make it through my days. 
     Here I am at the end of 2013 with two great jobs that I love with my amazing coworkers, new-found freedom, a few incredible people in my life that I learn from and look up to, a new Beyonce album, and more clothes in my now wide-open closet. 

See you next year.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


     Sometimes, staying in the positive can be extremely difficult, especially when you are dealing with the various stresses from work, school, and life. Something that can really help ease your energy levels is meditation. Start with taking at least 5 minutes out of every day (preferably every morning or night), close your eyes, turn off your electronics, light a candle or two if you want, clear your mind, and just breathe. Breathe in the positivity, and breathe out the negativity. Tell yourself to only think positively and that you will not allow any ounce of negativity into your aura. Breathe, relax, and balance out your positive energy...
     As you begin to do this more and more, I promise you will begin to feel the stress find its exit from your life. 
     Also remember, energy is contagious, so always make it positive. 


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Throwback Thursday 11/7

   They were IT back then, and even now I jam them quite often...
   These are three of my favorite songs by them from back in the day, listen to them to get your taste of Throwback Thursday!

TLC will always have a special place, not only in the music industry, but in my heart and the souls of many others. No other can compare.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Outerwear for Men

 Just 3 of my favorite fall outerwear pieces...

Wool Casentino Peacoat by ISAIA
I love the red, the wool,
and the thick look of this peacoat.
Frej Krimsley Topcoat by Theory
The length of this topcoat is
everything! Sleek, sophisticated,
yet incredibly simple. Totally an
East Coast style.
Wool-Blend Peacoat by Versace
This piece is a classic.
A peacoat like this will never go out of style...
Especially for Versace, the signature medusa logo buttons
add that final, trendy touch.


Monday, November 4, 2013

A Lesson Learned

Learning How to Learn

     In the past, I have had a bad habit of disliking those who are like me or those who have qualities I wish I had. During the past few months, I have really been trying to work on that. I have tried to channel my energy into positive reactions rather than the negative. That starts with perception. What was wrong with how I was perceiving these people? I let my subconscious jealousy get in the way of my conscious view. So, I stepped back and realized something; I needed to cling to these people and embrace them, rather than run away from them and try to compete with them. Now, I see that there is nothing wrong with someone who is like me or better than me in certain areas of life. How could they possibly be doing something wrong if they aren't doing anything wrong? Does that make sense? I have been the one creating that negativity in my own mind, not these people. I have really taught myself to admire these people, rather than resent them. Of course, one always wants to surround themselves with good people, so situations like this should be no different. Good people are good people, and that's just that. I admire people who are like me and people who have qualities I wish I had and I use that to make myself a better person. Not only do I get to surround myself with amazing people, but I also get to stay motivated to be an amazing person myself. This may be totally confusing, I am writing this late at night- but I felt it was important enough to share with everyone because changing this negative trait of mine into a positive one has really allowed myself to be quite happier every day. Hopefully if you have a problem like this, you can teach yourself how to turn the negative into the positive and be an overall happier person as well. 


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today At The Houston Galleria...

In Saks Fifth Avenue, these shoes stole my heart... 

This Men's Sneaker, by Giuseppe Zanotti, is so over-the-top with its giant silver chain, edgy zipper details, and super sophisticated leather...

This shoe, another Men's Sneaker by Giuseppe Zanotti, is totally sleek with its cheetah print and the attention-grabbing, gold-colored metal bar across the top...

As you can see, I love an Over-The-Top High-Top!
Giuseppe Zanotti did very well with these... Can't wait to see what's next!


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Ultimate Battle

The Fight Against Yourself...

     I constantly argue against myself between showing too much confidence and showing too much vulnerability. It's difficult for me because I don't want to live my life in such a calculating way, but I don't want people to get the wrong impressions of me either. So, I will be confident so that you feel comfortable enough to be just as confident, and I will be vulnerable so that you feel like you can tell me anything you want. I love people. Tell me your stories, share your laughs, cry with me, smile with me, and most importantly- be who you are. There comes a point in your life where, if you are uncomfortable with any sort of personality trait you may have, you have to stop and realize that you are who you are. So what if I am a little too loud sometimes? So what if at times I may seem too confident? So what if the very next day I want to talk about any kind of sadness I may be experiencing? So what if I allow myself to display vulnerability. You should never be afraid of your feelings because they make up WHO YOU ARE. Make no apologies for showing your feelings to others- because whether you believe it or not, they will begin to feel comfortable enough to show who they really are as well. 



"If you are ever doing anything for anyone and expecting any particular outcome, you are running a game..."

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Goodbye Summer 2013

     Summer 2013 was quite different for me than last summer...
     Last summer, I spent every single night with a large group of my closest friends. We always were at each other's houses, going out to dinners, and just getting together having great times. Now that summertime came and I was not going back to high school within a couple of months, things changed. For one reason or another, I fell away from some of my friends. This, from what I always hear, is totally normal after high school. So, I have learned to just accept it.
     This summer, my priorities in life have definitely changed. Life IS about having fun, but I realized that it is more about doing well for yourself. Of course, I had so much fun with my (much smaller group of) close friends that I adore but I also put a lot of time into work and my job. I tried to focus on putting time into work because I knew that it would make me stronger for my future and it actually became fun to me. I began to love the stores that I work at and the people that I work with. To me, work has become a sort of task that I have been able to fit into a place in my life that makes me feel a little bit more complete. Don't get me wrong, despite working a lot, I did have plenty of time for a social life and had the opportunity to create some really great memories. This summer sure had its ups and downs and despite its odd-feeling display of mutual maturity amongst the people in my life and myself, it has brought me into a new world. Of course, that is a difficult concept for some people to grasp, once you experience life and you get to connecting the dots- you start to understand more about the person who you are becoming.
School starts tomorrow, and I wish nothing but the best for everyone!
Life is a fashion show.
Life is an art show.
Life is fast-paced.
Life is not a rehearsal.
Live, and do what's best for you.


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Scared of Lonely

     Loneliness can be a pretty upsetting feeling... But of course, there are ways to turn the negativity into positivity. Feeling lonely does not necessarily mean that you are alone. You are never alone, you always have yourself. Learn to love yourself and become independent. Practice by doing things on your own. I know it sounds silly, but go to the store by yourself, shop by yourself, become outgoing and speak to others by yourself. By doing this, you decrease your dependency on others. Nobody goes through life completely with out friends or family, but there will be times when you feel as if you have no one. When those times come, if you have learned to be independent, you will overcome the sadness like no other. Think of lonely times as opportunities to grow within yourself. When personal strengths like independence grow, you become a stronger person. I am by no means saying to push everyone away, I am just saying that there will be times when it feels like no one is there (even if it isn't other people's faults). Life happens- friends move, and people come and go. Just be prepared. Being a strong human being is one of the best qualities a person may attain.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Everyone Has Their Own

"We all have our own paths in life and nobody can change that. People come in and out of our lives for reasons and all we must do is trust those reasons"

Monday, June 24, 2013


Moving Past the Ultimate Betrayal     
     There are many things in life that are not fair. One of them is having the experience of someone cheating on you. Most times, the first question that comes to mind when this happens is, Why? But, let's be honest- does it really matter why someone would cheat on you? No matter what their reasons are, none of them will ever be valid. The second question that may come to mind is usually, What could I have done to prevent this? And, I can already tell you the answer- Unless you want to be in a stalking relationship where you keep your eye on your man or woman 24/7 (also known as "unhealthy"), there is not one thing you could have done to prevent a cheater from cheating. It is not your fault. Of course, if you find out your significant other has cheated on you, you have to let go. Move on. Cheating is a form of an abusive relationship because it involves lying, deception, and causes pain. Sometimes this pain can hurt just as much as physical pain. 
     The one thing you have to understand when someone cheats on you, is that if they really did love you, they wouldn't have betrayed you. When someone loves you, they don't go and look for something somewhere else. Now, when you understand that what you had wasn't really true love, realize that the best thing for yourself to do would be to move on. Why would you want someone who is not willing to give you their 100%? Do not think that you can change your significant other into making them want you. You cannot change anyone. So, do not also blame yourself for not helping someone change because it is not your responsibility. You have to let go of any thought that you may have had that you could have done something to prevent your partner from cheating on you. 
     When someone is caught cheating, they may try to feed you lies and make you think that they just want to end the relationship for other reasons. When you know for a fact that that isn't the case, the only thing you should do is let it be known to your significant other that you know the real reason and that YOU are going to be the one to not put up with that. Then, move on. Getting revenge or dwelling on the fact that they lied to you will do nothing. Cut ties with this person and do what is going to be healthy for you. Maybe it is best that you don't jump right into a new relationship with someone else- filling a void can be harmful because they bring forth false feelings that you may recognize one day. Take time for yourself to be free. Take pride in knowing that you tried your best in a relationship and that it failed because someone else made a mistake. Learn. Learn that sometimes people will hurt you and that at the end of the day, you have the ability to come back on top. Enjoy your life with your friends and your family and get to really know yourself. The worst thing you can do when someone cheats on you is dwell. Move forward. Surround yourself with positive people who want to see you do good and do not acknowledge those who betray you or bring you down. Find your happiness, because to be successful in life- you must be happy.


Summer 2013

     The Rules to a Successful Summer
     This year, Summer is a little bit different for me. I have different friends, we are all busy with our own ventures, and times have changed. My friends and I have graduated, college is right around the corner, and everyone is trying to figure out just exactly who they are. The one thing that is the same about Summer is that feeling of freedom. We all feel it. Even if we have jobs, we feel free from the stress of school and free from the boring and repetitive routine our minds must adjust to for 9 months.
     With that freedom, comes choices. With the choices we make, comes consequences. Summertime is the best. Some of the most amazing memories of my life have happened during Summer. There is so much to do and so many things to get into, but if you get into the wrong things, life could change for the worse in a matter of seconds. Summer can be crazy and so much fun, but before you do something stupid, think about the end results. Do not do anything that could put you, your friends, or your family in danger. Life is too short to slip up and make a simple mistake that could change the course of the rest of your life. Be safe. Don't get wasted and roam the streets, don't lie to people about where you are going to be, don't harm yourself. You always have your friends and family- do not ever be afraid to call on someone if you truly feel that you are in danger.
     That being said, it's okay to "let loose" during the Summertime- have fun! That is what these couple of months are supposed to be all about. Just remember to always think about your actions. It would be a terrible shame to bring down your everyone's Summer because of a mistake you made. Please, be careful who you associate with, be careful of the parts of town you go to, be careful when you are under the influence (although it would be safer to just resist), and be thoughtful of how your decisions may affect your loved ones. You can play hard, but remember that in the end you are going to have to work hard as well. Be successful at life- do not be a statistic or a victim.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Weekend To Remember...

Prom 2013
     This past weekend was prom weekend for my high school, and it could not have been more perfect! My friends and I had been looking forward to this weekend for almost the entire year- we were so ready for one of the biggest moments of our high school years.
     Many people at school had been asking me what I was going to wear to prom because they thought it was going to be something crazy. I decided to just wear a Black & White Vera Wang suit because I felt the look was classic and something different than what most guys would be wearing. I loved it. Everyone looked absolutely perfect. From my girls with their sparkling and fabulous dresses to my guys with their sleek and stylish suits, we all looked great! We took pictures by the beach and then were on our way to prom via bus. It was pretty cool to arrive at prom all together. Immediately everyone looked at all of us arriving through the glass. Not to sound conceited, but it was pretty nice to have attention on all of my friends and I at once- we deserved it!
     So, prom. A couple of my friends and I were actually the ones who picked out the decorations, and I could not have been more proud. The decorations were everything I had expected and more! Everyone from school looked amazing as well... Oh, and I won the award for Best Dressed! At the end of prom, they played our class song, we gathered around the floor, and it really began to hit me. Senior year was coming to an end soon.
     After prom, we got back on the bus and went straight to our beach house that we had rented for the weekend. Saturday night was so much fun at the beach house! We just went crazy having fun with each other and it was nice being around people that were just like me, and being around some friends that I have known for pretty much my whole life. The whole weekend at the house was fun... We created so many memories with each other. I am so glad that I was able to share this weekend with my best friends, I could not have asked for anything more. Simply, prom weekend is a weekend that I will never forget. Now, we have graduation to look forward to, then- it's the rest of our lives.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Proving Yourself

     As humans, it is natural for us to feel as if we constantly have to prove ourselves to others. We always have to be the best, we always have to be right, and we can never make any mistakes. Understandably, we try to achieve all of this because society has pressured us into thinking we must. But, the truth is, we do not have to prove ourselves to anyone except for ourselves. 
     As long as you are genuine about things you do for people, it does not matter how you look or what people think about those actions, as long as you know that you are doing them for the right reasons. Help people to help people, not just to look good or to gain any favors in return. Tell the truth. As long as you know you are not lying, do not worry if someone is accusing you of being erroneous. As far as mistakes go, we all make them. Own up to your mistakes and your situation will be easier than it would have been had you not. Allow people to see your flaws, for how you handle your mistakes is what creates your character. 
     Do not worry about what others think of you. If you know how to be an authentic person and stay true to who you really are, you are set for life. Life is not about how people perceive your actions, it is about your actions and, personally, how you feel about your reasons for your actions and the results. Do not play yourself and get caught up in what others think. If someone wants to believe that you are inauthentic, prove them wrong by proving to yourself that as long as you know what your intentions are and that they have positive impacts, you could care less about what others think. The key to feeling great and to helping others feel great is being genuine and real, ignoring all of the noise.


Monday, May 6, 2013

One Month

     We only have about one month left of school until summer, and for us Seniors, we only have about one month left until our lives change for good. That being said, do not start slacking now! It is time to really kick it into gear and finish off school strong. Stay on top of your work, study for those AP tests and finals, and make sure you do everything you can do in order to ensure your success... If you work hard now, you can play hard later!


Thursday, May 2, 2013


Dealing With The Unexpected...   
     Life would not be life if everything ran smoothly at every moment. You must always expect the unexpected, however this is kind of impossible because you won't know what exactly to expect if it is going to be something unexpected... So how can you prepare? You can't. There is no way of preventing something that you won't know will happen, all you can do is react. Life is about actions and reactions. Always maintain your mental stability by staying calm and knowing that everything will work out in the end. Like I always say, there is no other option but for things to be okay in the end. Deal with your situations accordingly, think through how you will solve unexpected issues, carry out your plans, come to a resolve, learn from your mistakes, and prepare for the future. Stay confident in knowing that you can fix unexpected challenges, and if it is truly something that you cannot fix, stay confident in knowing that you will come out of your situation stronger and smarter than before. In a way, challenges are blessings in disguise. While they may not be positive at all, you will pretty much always walk away from every challenge knowing more than you did before your experience. The next time you are faced with a challenge, look at it head on and say, "I can handle you, and if you end up finding a way to defeat me, I realize that the real defeat is the one being placed on you, because I will leave this challenge an overall better and more prepared human being." Everything happens for a reason, so don't let unexpected challenges stress you out or tear you down. Whatever happens, was meant to happen, so accept it- this is the way your life was meant to be. Stay strong.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What Do We All Need?

     What would life be without it? Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, the truth of the matter is that we all depend on support to get through life. There is not a thing wrong with this, of course we need support to become successful- but we must not fully depend on it from others. It is important to support ourselves… But what exactly does that mean? Independence and Strength. You must be confident in your ventures and give yourself support by knowing that you can achieve whatever it is you set your mind to. By acknowledging your capabilities, you are allowing yourself to grow into your success. With confidence, persistence, and resilience, one can achieve almost anything in this world. All of these things also bring forth self-support.
     That being said, on the flip-side, it is important to support others. Just how does one do that? Be there for people. Always listen to what they have to say and encourage them to branch out and reach for whatever it is they truly want to reach for. Whether it be a job, grades in school, or even a relationship, be supportive. You must be real with your friends and peers, and always let them know how you see it- but you must also respect their decisions and support their goals, whether they be long-term or short-term. You should want to see other people succeed, so you should always be there to give words of advice and encouragement. Do not let your opinions wander too far though, do not overstep your boundaries of being overly-involved in someone’s life and personal decisions. Be there to offer your assistance, but always support someone’s decisions (unless, of course, those decisions are dangerous).
     Remember, support is the key to success, whether you are supporting someone else, or they are supporting you. Go out, give confidence to others, and encourage them to do the same for others as well!


Monday, February 18, 2013

Who are you?

How to find the answer, and why it is important...

     Through out life, your main goal (whether you realize it or not) is to find out who you are. You are constantly searching for validation, for success, for that final reward/award to feel good about the person you are. What does it mean to know who you are though? Well, when you know, you know. Honestly, I am 18 years old, and like most other teens, I am still figuring out who I am. Sometimes I feel like I know who I am, and other times I feel lost. With that being said, I have come to the conclusion that I do not completely know who I am yet- and that's okay. There is no set time on when you are supposed to be content with everything about yourself. Some adults are still searching for validity- that's okay too. But, maybe the reason some people may have a difficult time finding themselves is that they are searching in the wrong places. What is the best way to search for who you really are? Only YOU can answer that. What were you put on this earth to do? What is your calling? What do you believe in? What will you stand for? What will you fight for? What is it that makes your soul tick? Take some time out every once in a while and get away from all of the noise. Listen to yourself and what your heart is telling you about life. Spending time with your own mind and heart can be an amazing thing, and it can only make you stronger. Don't cut people out, but if you want to find out who you are and what you stand for, channel your inner energy and pay attention to what your soul is telling you. Like I always say, this is it people- life. No second chances, this is it. Once you have even the tiniest idea of who you are, you are on the right track. Just remember, don't rush to find out who you are- it is your experiences that create that end result, embrace the adventure.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Rest In Peace, Alexander McQueen

Remembering A True Fashion Artist
     Three years ago yesterday, the fashion world lost one of its most iconic designers of all time. Alexander McQueen was unique, daring, and a designer who truly knew the definition of high fashion. His work has been recognized all around the world and more importantly, his ART has touched the fashionable souls of many. Gone, but most certainly not forgotten, Alexander McQueen will always be missed, especially by those of us who appreciate fashion as an art. As a fan, I just thought I would take a post to show some of his most amazing pieces of work...

R.I.P. Alexander McQueen


Photo Credit:


Positivity Will Grow
     When you are positive about life and daily situations, others around you will begin to have a positive attitude as well. Smile, be cheery, compliment people, laugh, and be happy. When you are happy, it is quite difficult for others to not feel the same way. So by simply having a good attitude on your own, you are already doing a good deed because that energy will spread to others (even without you trying). The next time you are down, stressed out, or just in a bad mood, stop and think. Ask yourself, is what ever you are going through really worth making yourself AND others feel negatively? Most likely, it won't be worth it- Think optimistically, and spread positivity. In the long run, everyone will end up happy.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

What is life about?

Life is about getting through what ever obstacles stand in your way.
Life is about being victorious. 
Life is about helping others. 
Life is about creating change in the world. 
Life is about spreading positivity. 
Life is about making a difference. 
Life is about living for a cause. 
Life is about dying for a cause. 
Life is about being yourself. 
Life is about encouragement. 
Life is about happiness. 
Life is about making others happy. 
Life is about embracing the good and the bad.
Life is about living, so live. 
This is not a rehearsal. 
This is it: Life.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Born This Way Ball Houston

Lady Gaga Invades 1/31/13
     9 days ago, my friend and I began a two-day journey that would totally be worth it in the end. We decided to camp out at the Toyota Center so that we could get into the Monster Pit at the Born This Way Ball for Lady Gaga for our birthdays. Guess what... We did it! The experience was incredible. There were so many "little monsters" waiting in line to see Gaga, and we all formed a special bond overnight. We were all there to celebrate love, empowerment, inspiration, art, bravery, and of course, Lady Gaga. 
     So we made it into the pit and before the show started, we were already crying. Lady Gaga is not only a musician, but she is one of the most influential people of my generation's time. She spreads positivity through out every ounce of her being and her work, this is why so many people love her. 
     The Born This Way Ball was simply amazing. From the very beginning, Gaga was giving it her all. Singing every single song off of the album "Born This Way", her vocals were amazing as well as her dancing. The Born This Way Ball had the most talented dancers, the most impressive set, and a great story line. Gaga spread words of love and encouragement through out the whole show, which is something that most artists do not do. The audience can tell that Gaga really means everything she says too, because she, herself, used to get bullied in high school and she shares some of those personal stories with us in between songs. This woman is incredibly brave and talented, and I am so glad that I got to enjoy the Born This Way Ball the way that I did. I will have the memory of this day forever! Before the end of the show, Gaga said something that I will always remember because it is true: 
"You have to stop looking outside for validation, you have to rid yourself of life's surveillance, and look in only one place... you must look on the inside to find your greatness.

    Stay tuned for the new album "ARTPOP" this year, and also, if you haven't already, create an account on --it is amazing, especially if you love Lady Gaga!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Fictional Story, By Me.

     Today, I was going through my computer and I found some old fictional stories I had written a few months ago... I found reading them so interesting because I get the sense of my own mind being taken off into some far off place that I had created. Here is one story that I found... I don't want to share the whole thing because I would possibly like to finish the story one day, but here you go, I hope you enjoy it!

     I was awake. I looked up and I saw the stars in the sky, but why? I heard car horns honking and people yelling in the distance, but I couldn’t put together where I was. My body was hurting and my heart was too, but why? Well, as I began to sit up, I realized that my body was in pain because I had been thrown onto the concrete sidewalk. However, the honest reason for my heartache, I may never know. I did not want to get up. I was in so much pain and I almost didn’t want to know where I was. I was uncertain about everything, and I was scared. This was so unlike the usual me. I used to be fearless. I could go anywhere, do anything, talk to anybody, and still have all the confidence left in the world. That is part of the reason why I was so terrified in that moment on the ground. I knew that what ever happened to me, caused me to obtain a sense of fear, and that was something that took a lot for me to allow happening. I stayed on the ground and closed my eyes. At this point, all the noise in the distance had faded and I was in my own world. I just needed a minute to collect my thoughts so that I could figure out what I was going to do. But more importantly, I needed a minute to figure out what had happened to me. Once I was thinking clearly, I realized that the only way I would figure out what happened to me was if I got up off of the pavement. I opened my eyes, and once again, I saw the stars. They were even brighter this time, but I liked it. My ability to notice this meant that I was alive. I took a deep breath, and I felt a terrible pain in my chest. Finally, I got the nerve to attempt to get up on my feet. First, I sat up. I almost could not bear the pain I felt in my whole upper body. I took a second and looked around me. I was in downtown. I was also shirtless. I made it to my knees. I could only stand to be on my knees for a quick second because I discovered they were completely scraped up and covered in blood. So I got to my feet. I turned around to find that I was at a park. Although the park was pitch black, I recognized it instantly. I didn’t know why though… After I was stable on my feet, I walked to sit down on a bench. Still in an apparent and incredibly confusing delusion, I thought to find my phone. I felt my front pockets- nothing. I felt my back pockets- again, nothing. What was I going to do? I wanted to cry and I felt my bottom lip begin to quiver, but the tears would not come out of my eyes. I thought about walking home, but I knew that home was far away. I’m not sure what came over me, but I looked around for any occurrence of communication or humanity, but I did not see it. So, I went to sleep. 

Thanks for reading,

Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 25th, 2013

     The past 18 years of my life have taught me so much more than I ever could have imagined. Ever since I was little, I could not wait to be 18. I wasn't sure why, I guess I just thought it would be cool. However, now that I am older, I am able to look at my 18th birthday as a symbol of growth, a mark of success, and a time in which it is appropriate to look back on life and reflect. Every year of my life has taught me certain lessons, and usually each year teaches me something different about each lesson I learn. My 18th birthday is no exception. Even since my 17th birthday, I have grown so much. I am such a different person than I thought I would be right now, and for that I am so thankful. I owe it to the people that have been a part of my life during the past 18 years. You guys are EVERYTHING to me! If it weren't for others, I would have nothing. I dedicate my life to making others feel good, because that is what makes me feel good. Nothing means more to me in this world than love, and being able to share that with incredible people is such an honor and it gives me insane amounts of indescribable feelings... I have realized that life is truly beautiful. Life is such an amazing gift and I am so blessed to be the person that I am. 
18 means I am no longer a child. 18 means a new beginning (yet a continuation). 18 means empowerment. 18 means encouragement. 18 means love. 18 means happiness. 18 means hope. 18 means inspiration. 18 means art. 18 means fashion. 18 means compassion. 18 means passion. 18 means support. 18 means letting loose. 18 means remaining under control. 18 means taking control. 18 means fearlessness. 18 means I get to really learn who I am and who I want to be now. 18 means it's never too late to get right...
Thank you so much to everyone who has made an impact on my life during the past 18 years. You all mean the world to me! I could not ask for a better feeling than what I feel in this moment.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Life Is A Progressive Story

You Are The Author
     Leaving the past in the past can be hard to do, especially when dealing with situations that make you feel sad or angry, but you know it's best to move on, you just have to figure out how. There is no easy answer or quick fix to moving forward from difficult situations- it's all about being strong and remaining the author of your own story.
     When you read a book, no two pages are the same, correct? Life should be this same way. You shouldn't repeat your actions if they get you no where. Repeating the same actions produces the same results. If you want to move forward to happiness, you must make a change. In books, stories progress, so allow your life to do the same. There are chapters of life. Characters come in and out of your story, there are boring parts and there are insanely dramatic parts- that is life. At the end of the story, typically, conflicts are resolved and people end up okay. That is exactly how life works. I always say that there is no other option but for you to be okay. 
     I stated in my last blog that in order to move forward from negative situations, you must review, reflect, and recalculate. So, just like when you read a book: you may have to flip back a few pages to review what happened, then you reflect on what happened to see how those instances will impact the coming pages of the book, then you recalculate your mind to be in the moment of the current storyline of the book. 
     You are the author of your own book, so make your story worth reading... 


Monday, January 7, 2013

Be Happy

You Are In Control     
     You know when you are not happy with life. You feel down, upset, or angry. You cry, you contemplate, you over think. How do you get over it? Do you even want to get over it? 
     Do not dwell on negativity. You will never be content with life if you always ask yourself "What if...?" The main priority in your life should be finding happiness. It is okay to be selfish if it means preventing yourself from being sad. When you are struck with situations that make you sad, you should only do three things: 

  1. Review. Take a look at the situation and figure out exactly what happened or what is going on.
  2. Reflect. Think about what you are personally taking away from the situation. What did you learn? If you have to, write down what you learned.
  3. Recalculate. Take what you learned, and run with it. Change the way you do things by using what you have learned to move forward in your own life.
     Do not ever allow anyone else to control your happiness. True happiness is purely controlled by your own self. You have the power to make things great for yourself, so do that. If you base your happiness upon the actions of others, you will be left with nothing at the end of the day. Do what makes you happy. For me, writing makes me happy. Helping others makes me happy. Leading others to success makes me happy. Music makes me happy. Fashion makes me happy. Happiness can come in small places, so don't think that you have to go out and save the world to be happy. Please yourself. Have fun, and be happy. People often say, "Oh, well that's way easier said than done", but it is NOT. It's not easier said that done because YOU are in control. Take over your life and do what makes you happy. Let go of your past, live in the moment, and enjoy life. 
